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BWAPI::ExplosionTypes Namespace Reference


void init ()
ExplosionType getExplosionType (std::string name)
const std::set< ExplosionType > & allExplosionTypes ()


const ExplosionType None (0)
const ExplosionType Normal (1)
const ExplosionType Radial_Splash (2)
const ExplosionType Enemy_Splash (3)
const ExplosionType Lockdown (4)
const ExplosionType Nuclear_Missile (5)
const ExplosionType Parasite (6)
const ExplosionType Broodlings (7)
const ExplosionType EMP_Shockwave (8)
const ExplosionType Irradiate (9)
const ExplosionType Ensnare (10)
const ExplosionType Plague (11)
const ExplosionType Stasis_Field (12)
const ExplosionType Dark_Swarm (13)
const ExplosionType Consume (14)
const ExplosionType Yamato_Gun (15)
const ExplosionType Restoration (16)
const ExplosionType Disruption_Web (17)
const ExplosionType Corrosive_Acid (18)
const ExplosionType Mind_Control (19)
const ExplosionType Feedback (20)
const ExplosionType Optical_Flare (21)
const ExplosionType Maelstrom (22)
const ExplosionType Air_Splash (24)
const ExplosionType Unknown (25)

Function Documentation

Returns the set of all ExplosionTypes.

Given a name of an explosion type, this will return the corresponding ExplosionType object.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

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