Computer Sciences Dept.

CS 367: Introduction to Data Structures

Spring 2005
Instructor: Prof. Mary Vernon

Tues. & Thurs. 1:00-2:15pm, 1221 CS

Programming Assignments

Programming assignments will be posted below as the semester progresses. Due dates are tentative until the assignment is posted.

Each programming assignment can either be done individually or in collaboration with one other student in this section of CS 367, as you choose. You might want to consider the tips and advantages of successful pair programming.

Score distributions on assignments and exams


Homeworks will be posted below as the semester progresses. You must work on each homework assignment individually, and hand in your own work.

Late Turn-in Policy:

Programming assigments are due by midnight on the specified date, and are handed in by copying the files to a specified directory. No programming assignments will be accepted more than three days after the due date.

Each student is alotted 6 late days for the semester. Until you have used up your late day allocation, you will not be docked any points for turning in a late assignment, as long as you turn it in within 3 days of the due date. After you have used up your late day allocation, your score will be reduced by 10% for each day that it is late.

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