Computer Sciences Dept.

CS 547: Computer System Modeling Fundamentals

Fall 2010
Instructor: Prof. Mary Vernon

Tues. & Thurs. 11:00a-12:15p
1143 Mechanical Engineering


CS 547 grades will be computed from scores on homework assignments, a midterm exam, and a final exam. The approximate weight on each will be as follows:

  • 40% Homework assignments
  • 25% Midterm Exam
  • 35% Final Exam

Homework assignments will be posted on the 547 Assignments and Exams web page.

Course Accounts on CS Instructional Workstations:

For assignments that require programming or using plotting software, you can use any computer system that you have access to, including your course account on the C.S. instructional workstations.

If you are officially enrolled in CS 547 and you haven't previously had a CS Instructional Account, an account will be created for you by the first day of class or 24 hours after you register, whichever is later. See Getting Started for information on how to activate your new account.

If this will be your first time using the C.S. instructional Linux machines, see the on-line presentation and hands-on handout that are available for the CSL Linux Orientation sessions.

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