Vikram Adve, Ph.D. 1993
"Analyzing the Behavior and Performance of Parallel Programs"
Jussara Almeida, Ph.D. 2003
"Streaming Content Distribution Networks with Minimum Delivery Cost"
Greg Brewster, Ph.D. 1994
"The Impact of Propagation Delays on the Performance of Distributed Queue Dual Bus Networks"
Su-Hui Chiang, Ph.D. 2001
"Evaluation of Parallel Job Scheduling Policies for Production Scientific Workloads"
Mark Holliday, Ph.D. 1986
"Deterministic Time and Analytic Models of Parallel Architectures"
George Kola, Ph.D. 2010
"Platform for Transport Protocol Performance Engineering"
Scott Leutenegger, Ph.D. 1990
"Issues in Multiprogrammed Multiprocessor Scheduling"
Rajesh Mansharamani, Ph.D. 1993
"Efficient Analysis of Parallel Processor Scheduling Policies"
Daniel Myers, Ph.D. 2014
"Quantitative Storage System Design"
Thin Fong Tsuei, Ph.D. 1990
"Diagnosing and Predicting Parallel Program Speedups"
M.S. Graduates (research papers/theses)
George Bier, M.S. 1988
"Measurement and Prediction of Contention in Multiprocessor Operating Systems
with Scientific Application Workloads"
Det Buaklee, M.S. 2002
"Near-optimal Adaptive Control of a Large Grid Application"
Tarak Goradia, M.S. 1987
"A Model for Quantitative Analysis of Network Interface Processors"
Shai Rubin and Ian Alderman, M.S. 2004
"Foundations for Intrusion Detection"
David Sundaram-Stukel, M.S. 1998
"Predictive Analysis of a Wavefront Application Using LogGP"
Haonan Tan, M.S. 2002
"QoS Evaluations of Multicast Streaming Protocols", and
"Delimiting the Effetiveness of Scalable Streaming Protocols"
Athanassios Tsiolis, M.S. 1998
"Group-Guaranteed Channel Capacity in Multimedia Servers"
Su Zhang, M.S. 2007
"Offline and Online Network Traffic Characterizations"
Judy Liu, M.S. (UCLA) 1983
"The Design of a Hardware Building Block Specification Form"
Charles Strawbridge, M.S. (UCLA) 1983
"Analysis of a Dataflow Signal Processing Algorithm Mapped Onto a Multiprocessor
B.S. Graduates (research papers)
John Bethencourt and
Jason Franklin, B.S. 2005
"Mapping Internet Sensors with Probe-Response Attacks" (Best Paper, USENIX Security Symp.)
Matthew Frank, B.S. 1995
"LoPC: Modeling of Contention in Parallel Algorithms" and
"A Hybrid Shared Memory/Message Passing Parallel Machine".
Jeffrey Krueger, B.S. 2001
"Analysis of Educational Media Server Workloads".