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Re: [News] Gia?ng da.y tie^'ng Nha^.t tre^n truye^`n hi`nh VN
A`, maybe a motivation to learn it would be just That--how it was in the
Japanese mentality those days that killing was not necessarily
ideologically motivated!
Nor was it ever?
Should we ponder whether about ideology as motivation or as justification?
. . .hhhhhm
> From: Aiviet Nguyen <aiviet@cat.syr.edu>
> To: Multiple recipients of list <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
> Subject: Re: [News] Gia?ng da.y tie^'ng Nha^.t tre^n truye^`n hi`nh VN
> Date: Monday, 10 March 1997 3:10 PM
> I will learn Japanese only after Japan officially apologizes the massive
> hunger deaths they caused in 1945 for no ideological motivations.