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Re: More Beatles Quiz
Cha`o ca'c Beatles fans!
> Nhu+~ng trao do^?i xung quanh Beatles tha^.t thu' vi va` bo^? i'ch. To^i tha^'y ne^n duy
> tri va pha't trie^?n ca? sang ca'c nhung ban nhac khac. Bo+?i qua? thu+.c to^i cu~ng da~
> ra^'t chi.u kho' do.c sa'ch ba'o, ta`i lie^.u ma` qua trao do^?i vu+`a qua co' nhu+~ng
> die^`u nay mo+'i duoc bie^'t.
> Gu+?i to+'i Beatles fans 10 cau ho?i tie^'p theo de^? cac ba'c "thanh tra" la.i kie^'n
> thuc cua minh ve^` Beatles cho vui.
Sau khi dda~ ti'ch cu+.c tham gia ca'i thread na`y va` tha^'y no' va^~n co`n
nho^.n nhi.p la('m ne^n to^'i qua ve^` to^i ddi.nh xem la.i ma^'y quye^?n
"ca^?m nang" ve^` Beatles to^i mua ho^`i be^n Hung ca'ch dda^y ga^`n 10 na(m.
Nhu+~ng ho+~i o^i, sau khi dda~ lu+u la.c kha('p no+i va` chuye^?n nha` kho^ng
bie^'t bao nhie^u la^`n, nhu+~ng quye^?n sa'ch na`y dda~ bie^'n ddi dda^u ma^'t :-(.
Ne^'u kho^ng cha('c to^i cu~ng tra? lo+`i he^'t ddu+o+.c ca'c ca^u ho?i cu?a ba'c.
Ba^y gio+` dda`nh co^' va('t o'c tra? lo+`i theo tri' nho+' va`i ca^u va^.y.
> 1. Which song is on the A-side of the Beatles 1st single???
Ba^y gio+` to^i chi? da'm ddoa'n: "love me do" hay "can't by me love"?
> 2. What is the name of the Beatles 1st UK No.1 ???
Again "love me do" ??!
> 3. The Last Beatles album release is called....???
Let it be.
> 4. Why album "Abbey Road" was last recorded album but NOT last released album ???
"Let it be" was originally the music for the film with the same title.
> 5. Who sang lead in "Roll over Beethoven" on "With the Beatles" album ???
George? (not sure)
> 9. What was the original name of "Yesterday" and who is the author ???
"Scrambled eggs", and Paul is the author. I still remember the first sentence
of the original text: "Scrambled eggs, Oh my baby how I love your legs ...
(No joke!). Cu~ng may ma` Paul tha^'y melody hay qua' ne^n quye^'t ddi.nh sa'ng
ta'c la.i mo^.t lo+`i nghie^m chi?nh cho giai ddie^.u na`y, chu+' kho^ng the^' gio+'i
ho^m nay dda~ kho^ng co' "Yesterday". "Yesterday" ddu+o+.c nha^'t tri' dda'nh
gia' la`: mo^.t trong nhu+~ng melody hay nha^'t cu?a mo.i tho+`i dda.i (!!), melody
ddu+o+.c nhie^`u ngu+o+`i bie^'t dde^'n nha^'t, ba`i ha't ddu+o+.c ha't la.i nhie^`u
nha^'t, va` co`n ra^'t nhie^`u ca'i nha^'t nu+a ;-).
Mo^.t ddie^`u nu+~a i't nhu+o+`i bie^'t dde^'n la\ Paul sa'ng ta'c ra melody na`y
trong mo+ va` sa'ng ho^m sau pha?i cha.y ddi ho?i ta^'t ca? mo.i ngu+o+`i trong
studio xem dda~ ai nghe tha^'y giai ddie^.u na`y chu+a vi` nghi~ la` chi? co' the^?
mo+ tha^'y mo^.t gia.i ddie^.u dda~ nghe ddu+o+.c o+? cho^~ kha'c.
> 10.John or Paul is the author of Beatles 1965's song "In my life" ???