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Re: To: Ian Nguyen(was:Children of nobody)
>From listserv@csd.uwm.edu Fri May 23 18:02:19 1997
>Received: (listserv@localhost) by batch1.csd.uwm.edu (8.8.4/8.6.8) id TAA11572;
Fri, 23 May 1997 19:58:45 -0500 (CDT)
>Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 19:58:45 -0500 (CDT)
>From: Wayne <MNPHUNG@ntu.edu.sg>
>To: Multiple recipients of list <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
>Subject: Children of nobody
>X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
>>>From: isn@pacific.net.sg
>>>Thu+a ca'c ba'c,
>>>Vo+'i loa.t thu+ kha^?n va` lo`ng so^'t sa('ng cu?a ca'c ba'c trong
>>>la`ng vnsa, be^.nh ti`nh cu?a em Thu`y Linh co' le~ se~ ddu+o+.c chu+~a tri.
>>>To^i cu~ng mong ra(`ng nha^n vie^.c na`y, VP Quo^'c ho^.i se~ la^.p ra mo^.t
>>>ho^.i "Leukemia Patients Support Group" trong nu+o+'c dde^? ti`m nguo^`n
>>>chi'nh va` phu+o+ng tie^.n tu+` nu+o+'c ngoa`i ha^`u giu'p ddo+~ ca'c tre?
>>>VN thie^'u may ma('n kha'c ddo^`ng be^.nh ddang la(.ng le~ tu+` gia~ co~i
>>>tra^`n vi` la` con cha'u cu?a "nobody".
>>>Ian Nguyen
Hi Ian:
Your idea is good.
Can you organise them and write your ideas in a proposal? We will discuss on
It is your idea, I wish you will do it whole hearted for your proposal; unless
who'll do for you?
Waiting your proposal.
Thank you for your ideas.
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