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Re: Children of nobody & Dylemma of Choice ...
Dear Friends,
It is quite obvious for everybody that the number of people those need
help is always more than a number of people those could get a help from
other. So, there is a question: who will get a help and who will not get
a help? Is there a clear criterium ?
This is a classical example of difficulty taking decision!
In this situation the following principle is used:
who is firt who is best!
So everybody are right here (sorry, except admins!). First time I've
seen as much good & actively acting people in VNSA.
Ian in fact is like other intelectualist, prefer ask than do. For
Scientists (including AI scientists), usually idea is more important
than realize (or implementation).
His question is very very normal in the WEST but it is not allowed in VN,
because many people can inteprete it as political atact to the goverment
or system. So quickly I understanded the Admin's reaction.
Hope that the number of VN-ses living outside VN, those can help Vn-se
sick children, increses. Only by this way, these children of nobody
could get a help. Look outside we'll see that too many VN-se sick
children need help.
At the end, I'd like to present a Famous VN-se solution for dylemma of
Nga`y suua, mo^.t nho si~ trong mo^.t la^`n ddi thi dduuoo.c trao ca^u
ho?i dda.i kha'i la` ne^'u trong mo^.t la^`n ddi thuye^`n qua so^ng, tre^n
thuye^`n ngoa`i anh nho si~ ra co`n co' 3 nguuoo`i nuu~a la: Vua, Tha`y
va` Cha (anh nho si~). Thuye^`n chi`m, anh nho si~ chi? co' the^? cuu'u
dduuoo.c 1 nguuoo`i va^.y anh ta se~ pha?i cuu'u ai?
Anh nho si~ vo^'n theo Kho^?ng gia'o, ye^u cha va` tha`y cu?a mi`nh, nghi~
ho^`i la^u, tha^'y tra? loo`i ra sao cu~ng kho^ng o^?n.
Cuo^'i cu`ng anh nho si~ nhi`n le^n ba^`u troo`i dda^`y sao va` choo.t
nghi~ ra loo`i gia?i vo^ cu`ng ddon gia?n & tuye^.t dde.p: Anh ta se~
cuu'u nguuoo`i dda^`u tie^n ma` anh ta ga(.p!!!
| Sonnet Nguyen, The MetaMathematics of MetaMathematics! |
| E-mail: sonnet@ifpan.edu.pl; |