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Re: Children of nobody & Dylemma of Choice ...

>From listserv@csd.uwm.edu Sat May 24 05:33:36 1997
>Received: (listserv@localhost) by batch1.csd.uwm.edu (8.8.4/8.6.8) id HAA16431; 
Sat, 24 May 1997 07:30:49 -0500 (CDT)
>Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 07:30:49 -0500 (CDT)
>Message-Id: <Pine.SUN.3.95.970524131558.14546A-100000@albert3>
>Reply-To: vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
>Originator: vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
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>Precedence: bulk
>From: Sonnet Nguyen <Sonnet.Nguyen@fuw.edu.pl>
>To: Multiple recipients of list <vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu>
>Subject: Re: Children of nobody & Dylemma of Choice ...
>X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
>Dear Friends,
>It is quite obvious for everybody that the number of people those need
>help is always more than a number of people those could get a help from
>other.  So, there is a question: who will get a help and who will not get
>a help?  Is there a clear criterium ?
>This is a classical example of difficulty taking decision!
>In this situation the following principle is used: 
>who is  firt who is best!   
>So everybody are right here (sorry, except admins!).  First time I've
>seen as much good & actively acting people in VNSA.
>Ian in fact is like other intelectualist, prefer ask than do.  For
>Scientists (including AI scientists), usually idea is more important
>than realize (or implementation).
>His question is very very normal in the WEST but it is not allowed in VN,
>because many people can inteprete it as political atact to the goverment
>or system.  So quickly I understanded the  Admin's reaction.
>Hope that the number of VN-ses living outside VN, those can help Vn-se
>sick children, increses.   Only by this way, these children of nobody
>could get a help.  Look outside we'll see that too many VN-se sick 
>children need help.  
>At the end, I'd like to present a Famous VN-se solution for dylemma of
>Nga`y suua, mo^.t nho si~ trong mo^.t la^`n ddi thi dduuoo.c trao ca^u
>ho?i dda.i kha'i la` ne^'u trong mo^.t la^`n ddi thuye^`n qua so^ng, tre^n
>thuye^`n ngoa`i anh nho si~ ra co`n co' 3 nguuoo`i nuu~a la: Vua, Tha`y
>va` Cha (anh nho si~).  Thuye^`n chi`m, anh nho si~ chi? co' the^? cuu'u
>dduuoo.c 1 nguuoo`i va^.y anh ta se~ pha?i cuu'u ai?
>Anh nho si~ vo^'n theo Kho^?ng gia'o, ye^u cha va` tha`y cu?a mi`nh, nghi~
>ho^`i la^u, tha^'y tra? loo`i ra sao cu~ng kho^ng o^?n.
>Cuo^'i cu`ng anh nho si~ nhi`n le^n ba^`u troo`i dda^`y sao va` choo.t
>nghi~ ra loo`i gia?i vo^ cu`ng ddon gia?n & tuye^.t dde.p: Anh ta se~
>cuu'u nguuoo`i dda^`u tie^n ma` anh ta ga(.p!!!

 HI Ba'c So*n:
 Truye^.n ba'c ke^? tha^m thu'y la('m dda^'y!
 Ba'c co' ca'ch na`o tha?y cho cha`ng nho si~ va`i ca'i floater dde^? cha`ng nho 
si~ kia cu*'u ddu*o*.c ta^'t ca? kho^ng ?
 Ba'c ddu*ng tre^n bo*` nhi`n the^' kia, la`m cha`ng nho si~ cu~ng la^m ca?nh 
kho' xu*? dda^'y. Ye^u ai bo? ai ba^y gio*` ????????(j/k)

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