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Re: Children of nobody - to the Admin

	Hi anh Die^?mQuynh and folks,

To help people is a good thing everyone wants to do. This can be done 
or cannot be depends on one's capability (time, relation, experience, 
To raise the voice is already one way of helping the others since 
those who have capabilities to help will be kept informed of and will do it 
as they can. By chance, it was the case for VNSA.
You can ask people to help people but don't blame someone if he/she 
cannot help people. If you do like this, you will be exhausted in your 
money to save beggars' life. Do you think you can do that with all of your 
I appreciated anh Die^?mQuynh's action toward be' ThuyLinh but I think 
that was/is personal good willing and success. This cannot be applied 
to all leukemia patient unless Vietnam has her own ability to treat these 
patients. The alike action cannot be neither repeated to all VNSA 
members even thay want, from the bottom of their heart, to act like anh 
Be pragmatic! and enjoy chit-chat postings on this forum!. 
There were postings asking VNSA' people to give money (to DH da^n 
la^.p), books, computors, translation of reviews... but don't be upset if 
these cannot be done.

	Co^ng Ba(`ng.
	HI Ba'c So*n:
	Truye^.n ba'c ke^? tha^m thu'y la('m dda^'y! Ba'c co' ca'ch na`o 
tha?y cho cha`ng nho si~ va`i ca'i floater dde^? cha`ng nho si~ kia cu*'u 
ddu*o*.c ta^'t ca? kho^ng ? Ba'c ddu*ng tre^n bo*` nhi`n the^' kia, la`m 
cha`ng nho si~ cu~ng la^m ca?nh kho' xu*? dda^'y. Ye^u ai bo? ai ba^y 
gio*` ????????(j/k)