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Cha`o ca'c ba'c

Ta.i truong to^?ng ho+.p Kaiserslautern, Du+'c, se~ mo+? mo^.t kho'a ho.c
ve^` toa'n vao` cuo^'i na(m nay. Ho.c sinh nu+o+'c ngoa`i co' the^' apply
ho.c bo^?ng. chi tie^'t xin xem be^n du+o+'i.

Mathematics International

Starting in autumn 1997, the Department 
of Mathematics at the University of Kaiserslautern 
will offer the new programme Mathematics International 
which is designed for both German and foreign students. 
Apart from high level scientific education, 
this Master's Program emphasizes international 
contacts: students from all parts of the world 
work together with an equal number of German students. 
Almost all lectures, seminars and projects will be 
given in English. Mathematics International offers 
students an opportunity to broaden their knowledge 
in several fields of mathematics and to learn about 
applications in a non-mathematical subject. S
pecialization is possible in five fields: 

Algebraic Geometry and Computer Algebra: 
methods in classical and modern algebraic geometry, computer
algebra, complex analysis and theory of singularities.
Efficient use of software systems in computer algebra.
Financial Mathematics: 
stochastic methods and applications in banking, insurance 
and consultancy. Modelling and analysis of financial data.
Functional Analysis and Probability: 
inverse problems, stochastic analysis, geometric measure 
theory, operator theory and the large number of connections 
that these fields have to other parts of both pure and 
applied mathematics.
Industrial Mathematics: Modelling and Scientific Computing:
analytical and computational methods for the solution of 
technological problems in industry, mathematical modelling 
and scientific computing.
Optimization and Statistics: 
methods in mathematical optimization and mathematical
statistics which are used in advanced decision support
systems of management science and econometrics.

Students can participate in cooperation projects 
with industrial partners to test and improve their 
abilities on real-life problems.
The prerequisite for application is a qualified 
bachelor degree from a foreign university, a German 
Vordiplom in a mathematical programme or an equivalent
degree. Fluent English is mandatory. For students 
from non-English speaking countries a German Abitur 
or a score of at least 540 on the Test of English
as Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required. 
The study programme covers five semesters 
(two and a half years); the last semester is reserved 
for writing a thesis. Oral and written examinations 
are held during the programme with three to four 
examinations per semester. To complete the programme, 
a total number of 60 credits is required
(16 credits are connected with the thesis). 
28 credits may be accredited from other universities. 
After successfully completing the programme, the
student receives the degree Master of Science or 
Master of Technology which is equivalent to a German 
Diplomgrad in Mathematics, Technomathematics or
Foreign participants have the opportunity to learn 
about German culture and language. Language courses 
are offered before and during the programme. 
Mathematics International is generously sponsored 
by the German government
as well as DAAD and other institutions. There are no 
tuition fees. The cost of living is approximately 
12.000 DM per year. In a limited number of cases,
 scholarships can be provided for foreign students. 

 Application forms and additional information 
 (detailed descriptions of main
 subjects, content of lectures, examples of possible 
 curricula, information about credits) can be ordered from 

 Dr. Burckhard Strehl
 Fachbereich Mathematik
 Universitaet Kaiserslautern
 D 67653 Kaiserslautern 
 e-mail: mathint@mathematik.uni-kl.de

 Information is also available via internet at


	Algebraic Geometry and Computer Algebra

	This branch of Mathematics International provides 
	an introduction to modern and classical Algebraic 
	Geometry guiding the student to areas of actual 
	research in classical Algebraic Varieties, Computer 
	Algebra, Moduli Spaces, Invariant Theory, Complex 
	Analytic Geometry and Singularity Theory.
	The programme includes accompanying lectures in Algebra, 
	Topology and Differential Geometry. In Algebraic 
	Geometry zero loci of systems of polynomial and 
	anlytic equations are investigated using a diversity 
	of algebraic, analytic and geometric methods. Computer 
	Algebra provides and develops algorithms for symbolic 
	calculations allowing to compute properties of varieties, 
	modules and singularities in concrete cases. The 
	efficient use of such algorithms is part of the programme.

	Financial Mathematics

	Recent changes in the world of finance like the 
	evolution of complicated financial instruments and 
	the legal demands for risk management require a
	working knowledge of high-level stochastics in banks, 
	insurance companies and consulting firms. This programme 
	provides the basis for modelling and analyzing financial 
	data (discrete financial time series, continuous-time 
	stochastic processes, statistics and neural networks) 
	which is needed for applications like forecasting of 
	stock prices and foreign exchange rates, credit 
	scoring, option pricing and financial risk quantification. 
	A basic training in optimization and operations research 
	techniques is included to provide the necessary tools 
	for e.g. portfolio construction.

	Functional Analysis and Probability

	The areas of functional analysis and probability have 
	a particular large scope of connections to other parts 
	of both pure and applied mathematics. More specifically, 
	this part of the programme introduces the students to inverse
	problems, operator theory, stochastic analysis,and geometric 
	measure theory and a rich variety of related fields. These 
	subjects are treated both as fields of active current 
	research in their own right and as useful tools for other
	areas of science.

	Industrial Mathematics: Modelling and Scientific Computing

	The programme "Industrial Mathematics" teaches how to 
	apply advanced analytical and computational methods 
	to technological problems in industry. Mathematical 
	modelling and scientific computing are the key words; 
	the programme profits strongly from numerous 
	cooperations of the nearby "Institute for Industrial 
	Mathematics" with German and international industry and 
	from the excellent computer equipment of the department 
	and the Institute. The staff responsible for the programme 
	consist of the "Technomathematics Group", which is the 
	inventor of Technomathematics programmes spreading out
	all over the world, has great experience in international 
	cooperations inside Europe ("European Consortium for 
	Mathematics in Industry") and with Third World countries 
	(close partnerships with universities in Nepal, Indonesia 
	and India). 
	A PhD programme "Technomathematics" also exists with at 
	the present more than 20 PhD students. The "heart" of 
	the programme are modelling seminars, in which groups 
	of 4-5 students work on a real world problem posed in 
	non-mathematical terms, develop a model and a computer 
	programme to evaluate it and interpret the results. Good 
	modelling needs good knowledge in applied mathematics 
	and algorithms.

	Optimization and Statistics
	This programme focusses on mathematical methods which 
	are used in advanced decision support systems of management 
	science and econometrics. Modern statistical technology 
	(general linear models, nonparametric models, neural networks, 
	time series and other applied stochastic processes) are
	combined with state of the art methods in mathematical 
	optimization (linear and nonlinear programming, discrete 
	optimization, locational planning,scheduling, multicriteria 
	optimization). This will enable the students to work 
	successfully both on scientific and real-world problems. 
	The latter ability will be trained during the management 
	mathematics programme in joint projects with partners 
	from industry. Participants of the programme will additionally 
	take classes in general mathematics and -as minors - computer 
	science and business administration.



	       Fachbereich Mathematik
	       Postfach 3049
	       D-67653 Kaiserslautern

	       Bewerbungsbogen                     Bitte mit Schreibmaschine
	       Application Form                    oder Blockschrift ausfuellen
						   Please use typewriter
										       or capital letters

										       Mathematics International

										       mit der Vertiefungsrichtung
										       specializing in

										       ( ) Algebraic Geometry and Computer Algebra

										       ( ) Financial Mathematics

										       ( ) Functional Analysis and Probability

										       ( ) Industrial Mathematics                    ---------------

										       ( ) Optimization and Statistics
																       Photo hier
																						       Name: ...............................
																						       Bitte den Hauptnamen unterstreichen
																						       Surname (Please underline main name)
																												       Affix photo
																																		       Vorname: ............................
																																		       First name
																																								     Staatsangehoerigkeit: ................

																																								     Adresse (privat): ............................................
																																								     Address (private)


																																										       Adresse (dienstlich): ........................................
																																										       Address (official)


																																													     Geburtsdatum: ........     Geburtsort: .......................
																																													     Date of birth              Place of birth

																																													     Familienstand: .........   Zahl der Kinder: ..................
																																													     Marital status             Number of children

																																													     Command of languages

																																													     A) Deutsch:  gut ( )   ausreichend ( )   gering ( )   keine ( )
																																														German    good      fair              poor         nil

																																														B) English:  gut ( )   ausreichend ( )   gering       keine ( )
																																														   English   good      fair              poor         nil


																																														   Universitaet(en) oder Hochschule(n):      besucht von-bis  
																																														   University(ies) or College(s)            (Jahr/Monat)
																																																			    attendance from-to

																																																								     ..................................       .....................

																																																								     ..................................       .....................

																																																								     ..................................       .....................

																																																								     ..................................       .....................

																																																								     Main subject/subsidiary





																																																								     Abgelegte Hochschulexamen:
																																																								     University examination

																																																								     Datum und Art der Pruefung                 Examensergebnis
																																																								     Date and Type of examination              Result of examination

																																																								     ...................................       .....................

																																																								     ...................................       .....................

																																																								     ...................................       .....................

																																																								     ...................................       .....................

																																																								     Berufliche Taetigkeit:
																																																								     Professional occupation

																																																								     Universitaet/Hochschule         Position          von-bis
																																																								     oder sonstige Institution      Position          (Jahr/Monat)
																																																								     University/College or 
																																																								     other institution                                from-to               

																																																														      ..........................   .................   ..............

																																																														      ..........................   .................   ..............

																																																														      ..........................   .................   ..............

																																																														      ..........................   .................   ..............

																																																														      Warum moechten Sie am Programm in der angegebenen Vertiefungsrichtung teilnehmen?
																																																														      Why do you wish to participate in the programme in the chosen speciality?




																																																														      Haben Sie schon irgendeine Idee, wie und wo Sie die erworbenen Kenntnisse spaeter einsetzen werden?
																																																														      Do you already have an idea how and where to apply your acquired knowledge later on?




																																																														      Haben Sie bereits an einer deutschen Universitaet oder Hochschule studiert?
																																																														      Have you already studied at a German university or college?

																																																															       Ja  ( )                Nein  ( )
																																																																	Yes                     No

																																																																	Auf welche Weise haben Sie von diesem Studiengang erfahren?
																																																																	How did you hear about the study programme?





																																																																	Bitte fuegen Sie diesem Antrag die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
																																																																	Please enclose the following documents

																																																																	    - Beglaubigte Fotokopien der Original-Zeugnisse
																																																																		  Certified copies of your original certificates

																																																																		      - Empfehlungsschreiben

																																																																				- Ausfuehrlicher Lebenslauf
																																																																				      Detailed curriculum vitae

																																																																					  - Nachweis eines Stipendiums bzw. ausreichender Eigenmittel  
																																																																						fuer die Dauer des Aufenthaltes in Deutschland oder 
																																																																						      formloser Antrag auf ein Stipendium
																																																																							    Evidence of a scholarship, resp. enough personal funds 
																																																																								  for the period of your stay in Germany, or          a 
																																																																									formless application for a scholarship

																																																																									    - Nachweis ausreichender Englischkenntnisse
																																																																										  Certification of English Language Knowledge (i.e. TOEFL: 
																																																																											minimum 540 or ELTS-test of British Council: 
																																																																											      minimum Volume 5)

																																																																											      .................................   ....................
																																																																												       (Ort)                            (Datum)
																																																																														(Place)                          (Date)                                            

