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Leukaemia in Vietnam

Dear anh Hai and friends,

The drugs for leukaemia is are very expensive, especially
for a poor country. However, if a patient enters a medical
trial, he or she might be able to get free drugs from the
researchers, or from the drugs companies via the researchers.
Perhaps one way to get the drugs for the leukaemia patients
in Vietnam is to enter them into suitable trials. My department
conducts a few international leukaemia trials. Perhaps the doctors
in Vietnam should write to my department to ask about the trials
and the possibility of entering patients into them. It might or
might not be possible, but it is worth a try.

We might feel that it is terrible to be guinea pigs to test drugs.
However, medical trials, especially those by the British Medical
Research Council, are subjected to stringent scientific and ethical
standards and patients are never knowingly given a raw deal.


>>>Mo^.t vie^.c ra^'t vui nu+~a la` khi to^i ngo^`i no'i chuye^.n vo+'i Dr.
James Miser, to^i dda~ ngo? y' xin o^ng a^'y ho+.p ta'c ba(`ng ca'ch cho
mo^.t va`i ba'c si~ Vietnam sang tu nghie^.p o+? dda^y hoa(.c trao
ddo^?i kinh nghie^.m ba(`ng ca'ch na`o dda^'y thi` o^ng ta ra^'t nhie^.t
ti`nh va` ba?o se~ lie^n la.c vo+'i to^i dde^? ba`n ti'nh. Em Lie^n,
ra^'t la'u li?nh, ba?o to^i la` o+? vie^.n nhi o+? Hanoi em la` "thu?
li~nh dda?ng tro.c dda^`u", chu+'ng to? la` cu~ng co' ra^'t nhie^`u ca'c
em be' Vietnam ddang ma('c chu+'ng be^.nh qua'i a'c na`y. Chu'ng ta
kho^ng the^? ddem he^'t ca'c em ra ngoa`i chu+~a tri., ca'ch to^'t
nha^'t la` hua^'n luye^.n ba'c si~ cu?a ta trong va^'n dde^` huye^'t
ho.c. To^i ddang lie^n la.c vo+'i mo^.t va`i ba'c ve^` vie^.c na`y. Co'
tin gi` hay to^i se~ tin le^n list ngay.<<<