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Re: Li.ch su+? tu+? vi VN
Anh QA,
With me only the truth passes, the background does not give any plus in
the final score. I am also of "thu+' du+~" :-)), so don't refrain from
> Tra^`n DDa.i Sy~ thuo^.c gio^'ng ga` no`i
> ddo' ba'c\. To^? tie^n cu?a o^?ng la`m quan lo+'n trong trie^`u
> Nguye^~n\.
> Vi` va^.y o^?ng co' nhie^`u ta`i lie^.u li.ch su+? qui' gia'\. Ba?n tha^n
> o^?ng la` ba'c si~ y khoa
I doubt that once he called his publication as Tie^?u Thuye^'t (fiction)
why he has to refer to some source. Any makeup is allowed.
Do you know Ye^n Tu+? Cu+ Si~ Tra^`n DDa.i Si~ was Tra^`n Nha^n To^ng?
I would hardly accept any explanation. Imagine if I took the penname as
Hu+ng Ddda.o DDa.i Vu+o+ng...
But anyway tell us about this Dr.