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Re: Li.ch su+? tu+? vi VN
<From: Aiviet Nguyen <aiviet@cat.syr.edu>
<I doubt that once he called his publication as Tie^?u Thuye^'t (fiction)
<why he has to refer to some source. Any makeup is allowed.
Ki'nh cha`o ba'c again,
His publications are not just pure tie^?u thuye^'t, but tie^?u thuye^'t
li.ch su+?\. They have to be based on history i.e. you can't change historical
facts to whatever you want.
<Do you know Ye^n Tu+? Cu+ Si~ Tra^`n DDa.i Si~ was Tra^`n Nha^n To^ng?
I did not know about this. Briefly he wrote the reason for his penname,
Ye^n Tu+? Cu+ Si~, was because he belonged to do`ng Ye^n Tu+?\. Also his
name is Tra^`n DDa.i Si~ which his parents chose for him, of course.
One point I am not clear is that
(1) Ye^n Tu+? Cu+ Si~ Tra^`n DDa.i Si~ was Tra^`n Nha^n To^ng or
(2) Ye^n Tu+? Cu+ Si~ was Tra^`n Nha^n To^ng or
(3) Tra^`n DDa.i Si~ was Tra^`n Nha^n To^ng.
Sorry for my ignorance.