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Re: Immigrants and Hitech
Hi anh TUan (UWM) and all:
I heard from a CEO of hitech that the salary of an engineer
here(Silicon Valley) can pay for a department in elsewhere in Asia
Well! people here has to do hi-hi-tech!
Thanks for the news
>Hello friends,
> I found the following piece of news is interesting. It was
posted in
>Published: July 27, 1997
>Mercury News Staff Writer
>The stream of immigrant engineers and computer scientists that
>nourished Silicon Valley in the early 1990s is drying up -- sending
>companies scrambling to construct research and development centers
>Labor analysts say the changes are due to a number of factors,
>including globalization of the computer industry, an Immigration and
>Naturalization Service crackdown on companies that abused the U.S. visa
>system, ............... deleted...............
>``I joined Cypress because it was one of the premier semiconductor
>companies . . .'' said Shiva Gowni, 36, manager of the company's
>Bangalore, India, design center. ``But I enjoy being able to live
>closer to my family.''
>Bloomberg News contributed to this report.
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