Wisconsin Wind Tunnel II

The Wisconsin Wind Tunnel (WWT) project is pleased to announce the availability of the WWT-II parallel architecture simulator. WWT II is a discrete-event, direct-execution simulator which generates identical results on all platforms. It is designed to be portable and runs on many Solaris platforms including workstations, workstation clusters connected with Myrinet, and SMPs. It supports a range of memory consistency models and parameters to allow for testing a variety of architectural choices.

  • The WWT2 User's Guide and Installation Guide are available. (Also included in the distribution.)
  • The Wisconsin Wind Tunnel II simulator is available under the WARTS (Wisconsin Architectural Tools Set) license. To obtain a WARTS license, please read the instructions on the WARTS web page.
  • Further information on the simulator is available in the paper Wisconsin Wind Tunnel II: A Fast and Portable Architecture Simulator by Shubhendu S. Mukherjee, Steven K. Reinhardt, Babak Falsafi, Mike Litzkow, Steve Huss-Lederman, Mark D. Hill, James R. Larus, and David A. Wood which appeared in Workshop on Performance Analysis and its Impact on Design June 1997 (PAID-97).

  • For more information, please send mail to wwt [at] cs.wisc.edu.
    Go to the WWT Home Page.

    Last updated 12 November 1997