Useful WWW links
- General References
- Visor resources
- HTML resources (General)
(Current `local' version of this links file)
AltaVista WWW search
Archie (
Webster's Dictionary
Roget's Thesaurus
Encyclopaedia Britannica (UWM access only!)
Cobuild Collins dictionary of English usage
Scots to American English
Acronym Finder
English usage (British<->US)
English-to-Italian Dictionary
Japanese/English Dictionary
Online Gaelic Dictionaries
Gaelic and Gaelic/Celtic culture
On-line gaelic dictionary/lessons (Sabhal Mór Ostaig)
The Human-Languages Page
travlang (Foreign languages for travelers)
ARTFL Project (French language research)
ECHO-EURODICATOM (Automated translation of official & technical terms)
Computing Dictionary
Biographical Dictionary
Project Galactic Guide (ą la The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
Universal currency converter
The GNN/Koblas Currency Converter
TrainingForum currency convertor
PACIFIC Exchange Rate Service
FinDatSys country profiles/information
BT UK Phone Directory
Swiss Telecom PTT Phone Book
WebCrawler Searching
News and Weather
CNN Interactive - Weather
USA Today - Weather
Previsioni Meteo
Bolletino Meteo (Centro Geofisico Prealpino)
- HandSpring
- VisorCentral
- VisorVillage
- VisorZone
- PureVisor
- Palm
- PalmOS
- PalmGear
- InnoGear (MiniJam springboards)
- Accompany volume store
- Gadgeteer reviews
- Fredlet's Pilot/Visor pages
Writing on your Palm
- eXtend FullCharge
NiMH in-unit rechargable battery with AC & cigarette lighter chargers
Vindigo (City restaurant/bar/shop/venue info:
Boston, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Washington DC)
Palm TipSheet (free monthly newsletter)
ISO Latin1 Character Encoding
Sun's Guide to Web Style
Beginner's Guide to HTML
HTML Quick Reference
Web Developer's Virtual Library
W3C HTML Validation Service
Doctor HTML
ISO Latin 1 character HTML entity names
Icon Bazaar
HTML3 Tables
CERN server (httpd) user guide
Intro to CGI scripts and HTML forms
Building blocks for CGI scripts in Perl
CGI/perl scripting notes
Perl on-line documentation/manual
Imagemap help
Graphical Information Maps
HTimage tutorial
Imagemap tutorial
Mapedit editor for imagemaps
Transparent/Interlaced GIF resources
GIF animation information/gallery>
Bandwidth Conservation Society
- Last Revision: $Date: 1996/07/26 14:58:13 $