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Tools for Parallel/Distributed Systems (General)
Parallel/Distributed Program/Performance Analysis/Visualisation Tools Projects
Commercial Parallel/Distributed Systems/Tools
Miscellaneous Parallel/Super Stuff
Miscellaneous Computer Stuff
Tool Integration Frameworks
Cenju sites
Research Institutes

Tools for Parallel/Distributed Systems (General)

EuroTools HPCN Tools Promotion
Parallel Tools Consortium (Ptools)
Parallel Tools Library
Review of Performance Analysis Tools for MPI Parallel Programs, Shirley Browne, Jack Dongarra & Kevin London (UTK)
NHSE CRPC/US National HPCC Software Exchange
Parallel programming tools overview (Cornell Theory Center)
Fortran 90 products

Parallel/Distributed Program/Performance Analysis/Visualisation Tools Projects

PPPE (Portable Parallel Programming Environment) (etc)
HPF+ (ESPRIT LTR Project No. 21033, lead by VIP/VCPC, Vienna)
Pablo (Dan A. Reed, UIUC) [Pablo group]
Paradyn (Barton P. Miller, University of Wisconsin - Madison)
TAU/POPEYE (Allen D. Malony, University of Oregon)
PARADE (John T. Stasko, Georgia Tech)
AIMS (Jerry C. Yan, NASA Ames Research Center)
MEDEA (Mariacarla Calzarossa, Università di Pavia)
MUTT Memory Utilization Tracking Tool (Phyllis E. Gustafson, LANL)
VFCS/P3T/VFPMS (Hans P. Zima, Universität Wien)
Fortran D (Ken Kennedy, CRPC/Rice University)
Panorama (May & Berman, UCSD)
PARvis (Alfred Arnold, KFA Jülich)
HPFIT HPF Integrated Tools, including TransTOOL kernel/framework (ENS Lyon LIP, LaBRI, GMD/SCAI, LIFL)
Trapper (GENIAS)
VT SP-2 Visualization Tool (IBM)
Fx parallel Fortran tools (CMU)
XMPI (LAM Group, Ohio Supercomputer Center)

Commercial Parallel/Distributed Systems/Tools

FORGE (Applied Parallel Research, Inc.)
Prism development environment (Thinking Machines Corp.)
MPP Apprentice (Cray Research, Inc.) (IN-2511 manual)
ParAide (Intel SSD)
PSE (DEC Parallel Software Environment)
TotalView debugger & TimeScan event analyzer (BBN/Dolphin)

Miscellaneous Parallel/Super Stuff

Official comp.parallel Newsgroup Home Page
HPC Forum (hosted by NPACI)
David Bader list of parallel & supercomputing sites and vendors
Gunter Ahrendt list of the most powerful computing sites
Top 500 supercomputers
High Performance Fortran Forum (HPFF)
Message Passing Interface Forum (MPIF)
High Performance Debugging Forum
HPF in Europe & HPF tools survey
NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NASA Ames)
Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
Parallel programming teaching materials (Maui High Performance Computing Center)
TOPSYS/TATOO (Technische Universität München)
Environment for Portable Parallel Programming (EPPP) (Vincent Van Dongen, Centre de recherche informatique de Montréal (CRIM), Montréal, Canada)
PADE - Parallel Applications Development Environment (NIST)
Wisconsin Wind Tunnel (Mark D. Hill, University of Wisconsin - Madison)
WARTS - Wisconsin Architectural Research Tool Set (James Larus, University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Parallel Performance Project (University of Michigan)
Monitoring and Debugging environment (MAD) (Grabner/Kranzmüller, GUP Linz)
NASA NAS parallel tools
p2d2 Portable Parallel/Distributed Debugger (Robert Hood, NASA NAS)
Portable RunTime System Consortium (PORTS)
Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium (PCRC)

Miscellaneous Computer Stuff

alt.folklore.computers FAQs
Netlib Performance Database Server (PDS)
Free Software Foundation (GNU's Not Un!x)
GCC (GNU Compiler Collection)

Distributed Computing/Tool Framework Technologies

Distributed Computing Environment

Data Integration

Control Integration


Codine distributed network environment (Genias Software GmbH, Germany)
Condor high-throughput computing (Miron Livny, U.Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Globus metacomputing infrastructure (Ian Foster, ANL & Carl Kesselman, U. S. California, USA)
Legion worldwide virtual computer (Andrew Grimshaw, U.Virginia, USA)
LSF load-sharing facility (Platform Computing Corp., Canada)
NetSolve network server for computational science (Henri Casanova, UTK/ORNL, USA)
Ninf network-wide computing infrastructure (Real World Computing Partnership, Japan)


SNiFF+ integrated O-O software development environment (TakeFive Software GmbH)
Juice distributable executable technology (alternative to Java)
CORBA/DCE/Java relationship
CORBA and Java pointers
OLE/CORBA comparison
OMT (Object Modeling Technique)
UML (Unified Modeling Language)
OPEN/OML (Object-oriented Process, Environment and Notation Modelling Language)
SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator)


Microsoft WindowsNT Workstation
Essential WindowsNT software on the Net
Cygnus GNU-Win32 Project
GMD/Sun ONC RPC for WindowsNT (defunct since Jan'98!)
(local copy)

Cenju sites

Generic Cenju-3 information (NHSE Review)
NEC Corporation, Japan
NEC Research Institute (NECI), Princeton, New Jersey (8-processor Cenju-3 [no information?])
University of Houston, Texas (DenEn/Mach, operating system research, Pfortran/MPI, 8-processor Cenju-3)
Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NLR), The Netherlands (applications, 16-processor Cenju-3 [no information?])
GMD Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI), Germany (applications, 64-processor Cenju-3 [no information?])
Yuba Laboratory, University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Japan (Paralib/CJ documentation, mostly in japanese)

Research Institutes

Swiss Research Teams
CRPC Center for Research on Parallel Computation
European Centre for Parallel Computing at Vienna (VCPC), Universität Wien, Austria
Institute for Software Technology & Parallel Systems (ISTPS), Universität Wien, Austria
Institute for Algorithms & Scientific Computing (SCAI), GMD, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany (Zentralinstitut für Angewandte Mathematik (ZAM))
CINECA (Centro di Calcolo Interuniversitario dell'Italia Nord-Orientale, Interuniversity Consortium of Northeastern Italy for Automatic Computing), Bologna, Italy
CRS4 (Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna, Center for Advanced Studies, Research & Development in Sardinia), Cagliari, Italy
NPAC (Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University), Syracuse, NY, USA


Imperial Software Technology, Ltd. (Home of the X-Designer Motif GUI builder, now also available as SunSoft SPARCworks/Visual) (Flashback article, Apr.95)
KL Group, Inc. (Home of the XRT widget family: graph, 3d, table, field)
PureAtria (Home of the ClearCase, Purify & Quantify program verifiers)
ParaSoft Corp. (formerly known for Express, now Insure++ automatic run-time debugger)
The Portland Group Inc. (PGI, HPF/compilers)
Sun Microsystems Research Labs.
Solaris x86 corner
Tcl/Tk (Sunscript) (Scriptics)
Intel Pentium processor family (P5, PPro, PII)
Silicon Graphics (Europe)
Compaq (including Tandem and DEC)
SPARC International
Tadpole Technology (SPARCbooks, etc.)
UltraBook (UltraSPARC portable workstation)
SGI TechPubs documentation


APART Working Group (Automatic Performance Analysis: Resources and Tools)
Swiss-Tx programme
Sandia/OakRidge/Swiss National Labs Cooperation on Commodity-based Computing
Swiss-Tx Service Web (Supercomputing Systems AG)
Compaq Tru64 Unix on-line documentation
Sun Workshop documentation
Delphi integrated, language-directed performance prediction, measurement and analysis environment (Pablo/Autopilot + Paradyn + Polaris + Nexus/Globus + HPC++)
EPFL/GRIP Groupe de Recherche en Informatique Parallèle
High Performance Computing Users Group
HPF Documentation (PGI)
PerfAPI - Performance Data Standard and API
ARM Working Group (Application Response Measurement API)
"The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics" (Richard W. Hamming, American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 87, No. 2, Feb. 1980)
"Guidelines for Writing System Software and Tools Requirements for Parallel and Clustered Computers" (Cherri M. Pancake, Bruce Blaylock & Robert Ferraro, OrStU-CS-TR-95-80-11) - Last Revision: $Date: 1996/07/26 14:58:13 $