Practical Data Analysis for Designed Experiments

Brian S. Yandell (1977) Chapman & Hall, London
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I

D. Dealing with Imbalance

10. Unbalanced Experiments
10.1 Unequal Samples
10.2 Additive Model
10.3 Types I, II, III and IV
11. Missing Cells
11.1 What are Missing Cells?
11.2 Connected Cells and Incomplete Designs
11.3 Type IV Comparisons
11.4 Latin Square Designs
11.5 Fractional Factorial Designs
12. Linear Models Inference
12.1 Matrix Preliminaries
12.2 Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
12.3 Weighted Least Squares (WLS)
12.4 Maximum Likelihood (ML)
12.5 Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML)
12.6 Inference for Fixed Effects Models
12.7 Anova and Regression Models

10. Unbalanced Experiments

data lost, destroyed, invalid for whatever reason poor planning, loss of resources

10.1 Unequal Samples

balanced treatment structure (all factor combinations) unbalanced design structure (unequal cell sample sizes) no empty cells for now cell means inference population marginal means usual hypotheses least squares estimates variance and harmonic mean of sample sizes sample marginal means expectation = weighted average of cell means variance hypotheses depend on sample sizes hint at type I vs. III SS

10.2 Additive Model

recall effects in balanced design Scheffe's reduction notation normal equations least squares solutions hint at type I vs. II SS

10.3 Types I, II, III and IV

all are equivalent for balanced data (equal sample sizes) III & IV agree when no empty cells (sample sizes > 0) I: sequential order important SS add to total hypotheses depend on sample sizes sequential model building II: hierarchical main effects before interactions OK for additive model SS do not add to total with unbalanced data used in multiple regression (last in) hypotheses depend on imbalance if interaction present weighted (tilde) means hierarchical model building III: orthogonal hypotheses concern population marginal means hypotheses do NOT depend on sample size SS do not add to total with unbalanced data general form of hypothesis (full vs. reduced) SS adjusted for all other terms (last in) IV: balanced same as III if no empty (missing) cells but see next chapter

11. Missing Cells

11.1 What are Missing Cells?

cell means inference interpreting population marginal means some not estimable what are appropriate comparisons? linear constraints

11.2 Connected Cells and Incomplete Designs

some marginal means may not be estimable balanced / unbalanced contrasts confounding from missing levels connected subsets / balanced subsets Latin square design fractional factorial design

11.3 Type IV Comparisons

I,II: sequential, hierarchical not appropriate because unbalanced, as before marginal means not always defined III: orthogonal hypotheses depend on pattern of empty cells not the usual ones IV: balanced balanced contrasts for main effects & interactions choice is not unique packages make automated choice which depend on labels for factor levels! options compare all means with data (one-factor approach) consider additive model to achieve estimability balanced comparisons (automated Type IV) select balanced subsets verify that analyses give consistent (similar) results

11.4 Latin Square Designs

interactions assumed negligible but can sometimes test -- replicated LS (later) few EUs -- save time or money examine many factors at once

11.5 Fractional Factorial Designs

saturated design (often) interactions confounded with main effects (resolution III) or other interactions potential problems of interpretation clarify with further experiments rethink if expecting several interactions

12. Linear Models Inference

12.1 Matrix Preliminaries

generalized inverse rank, trace, determinant quadratic forms

12.2 Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)

fixed effects models (as encountered so far) estimable functions & BLUEs projection matrix

12.3 Weighted Least Squares (WLS)

generalized LS -- unequal variance recast as OLS by proper weighting

12.4 Maximum Likelihood (ML)

WLS <-> ML with normality (almost) weighted projection matrix ML estimate of variance is biased (divide by sample size)

12.5 Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML)

several variance components -- random & mixed models project out fixed effects REML estimate of variance (components) agree with usual recent work of J Jiang (Case Western U)

12.6 Inference for Fixed Effects Models

quadratic forms & noncentrality parameters partition of SS, model general linear hypotheses

12.7 Anova and Regression Models

one-factor & two-factor models regression & analysis of covariance (Part F)

Last modified: Mon Mar 2 14:21:53 1998 by Brian Yandell (