Practical Data Analysis
for Designed Experiments

Brian S. Yandell

Chapman & Hall, London (Fall 1996)

F. Regressing with Factors

16. Ordered Groups
16.1 Groups in a Line
16.2 Testing for Linearity
16.3 Path Analysis Diagrams
16.4 Regression Calibration
16.5 Classical Error in Variables
17. Parallel Lines
17.1 Parallel Lines Model
17.2 Adjusted Estimates
17.3 Plots with Symbols
17.4 Sequential Tests with Multiple Responses
17.5 Sequential Tests with Driving Covariate
17.6 Adjusted (Type III) Tests of Hypotheses
17.7 Different Slopes for Different Groups
18. Multiple Responses
18.1 Overall Tests for Group Differences
18.2 Matrix Analog of F Test
18.3 How do Groups Differ?
18.4 Causal Models
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I

16. Ordered Groups

16.1 Groups in a Line

linear / polynomial / nonlinear

16.2 Testing for Linearity

general F-test full = ANOVA, reduced = regression test slope = 0 if group means not on a line

16.3 Path Analysis Diagrams

Wright (1934), Bollen (1993) Bray and Maxwell (1985) Bhattacharyya and Johnson (1988) arrows point toward affected variate double arrows indicate association, single arrows for causation values of partial correlations can be assigned to arrows correlation after adjusting for other terms in model rho_XY.A = W_XY / \sqrt{ W_XX W_YY } factors with more than 2 levels can be subdivided by 1-df contrasts (see B&M) or use square root of partial R^2 analysis of variance (ANOVA) A -> Y <- E analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) A -> Y <- X ^ E

16.4 Regression Calibration

resp = group mean + slope * error-in-variable + random error slopes could differ by group inflation of variance / no bias in means

16.5 Classical Error in Variables

resp = intercept + slope*true + pure error observed = int + attenuation*true + measurement error resp = int + attenuation*slope*true + error inflation of variance / attenuation of slope

17. Paralell Lines

covariate or covariable analysis of covariance removing bias in observational studies

17.1 Parallel Lines Model

additive model response = factor + covariate + error yij = \mu_i + \beta * (x_ij-\bar{x}_..) + eij notation & graphics (interaction plot) expected response, mean response for group, sample grand mean simple regression single factor analysis of variance two factor additive model linear relationship for second factor

17.2 Adjusted Estimates

partition sum of squares Searle (1977) notation: T = B + W yy, xx, xy factor and covariate Tx\mu = Bx\mu simple regression slope estimator \beta = Txy/Txx minimizing residual sum of squares (least squares) normal equations LS estimates \mu_i = \bar{y_i.} - \beta * (\bar{x}_i.-\bar{x}_..) \beta = Wxy/Wxx adjusted slope regression of within-group residuals adjusted factor (group) means corrected for deviation of covariate group mean from overall balance \bar{x}_i. = \bar{x}_.. adjusted variance V(\beta) = \sigma^2/Wxx V(\mu_i) = \sigma^2[1/n_i + (\bar{x}_i.-\bar{x}_..)^2/Wxx] adjusted factor means are correlated pivot statistics for \beta, \mu_i unbiased estimator of variance

17.3 Plots with Symbols

interaction plots response against covariate by group symbol diagnostic plots residuals against predicted by group symbol

17.4 Sequential Tests with Multiple Responses

17.5 Sequential Tests with Driving Covariate

17.6 Adjusted (Type III) Tests of Hypotheses

17.7 Different Slopes for Different Groups

18. Multiple Responses

p multiple responses in one-factor CRD experiment responses may be correlated (collinearity) MANOVA = multivariate ANOVA more powerful if responses correlated, less powerful if not may or may not be able to interpret in meaningful way references Morrison (1990, ch 5-6) Multivariate Statistical Methods Bray and Maxwell (1985) Sage Series: Multivariate Analysis of Variance Krzanowski (1988, ch 11-13) Bhattacharyya and Johnson (1988) Applied Multivariate Analysis

18.1 Overall Tests for Group Differences

review univariate testing, partition of SS, general F-test composite null hypothesis p separate univariate analyses linear combination of responses: v = \sum ( b_k y_k ) direction in p-dimensional space of multiple responses first canonical variate find weights b_1k to maximize \lambda_1 = SS_H ( v_1 ) / SS_E ( v_1 ) null hypothesis: \sum b_1k \mu_ik are all equal second and subsequen canonical variates at most s = \min ( p, a-1 ) with non-increasing \lambda_l's v_1, ..., v_s are independent can test hypotheses for each separately

18.2 Matrix Analog of F Test

matrix partition of sums of squares and cross products characteristic equation : ( H - \lambda ) b = 0 eigenvalues \lambda_l, eigenvalues b_l = { b_lk } how to summarize information in eigenvalues? multivariate tests express in terms of eigenvalues or ratio of SS Roy's greatest root: \lambda_1 best if only one dimension to group differences Wilk's lambda: 1 / \prod ( 1 + \lambda_l ) based on likelihood principles Hotelling-Lawley trace: \sum \lambda_l proportional to average of univariate F-tests Pillai-Bartlet trace: \sum \lambda_l / ( 1 + \lambda_l ) proportional to average of canonical correlations r_l^2 = \lambda_l / ( 1 + \lambda_l ) = SS_H / SS_T power comparison if group differences in one direction Roy > Wilk > Hotel > Pillai more diffuse Roy < Wilk < Hotel < Pillai manova path diagram -> Y1 <- E1 / ^ A | \ v -> Y2 <- E2 Roy's greatest root path diagram -> Y1 <- E1 / ^ A -> V | \ v -> Y2 <- E2 recomendation in practice do all tests and compare investigate discrepancies carefully

18.3 How do Groups Differ?

multiple comparisons experiment-wise error rate across p responses Bonferroni p univariate comparisons comparisons on linear combinations discriminant analysis canonical DA interpret each canoncial variate correlations with p responses = factor loading caution on interpreting weights = coefficients collinearity of responses affects weights SAS proc candisc stepwise DA forward selection of responses with backward elimination start with response that discriminates best stop when no significant improvement analogy to analysis of covariance y_ij1 = \mu_i1 + e_ij1 y_ij2 = \mu_i2 + \beta y_ij1 + e_ij2 . . . find best F for group at each step order determined EMPIRICALLY usually follow with canonical DA path diagram -> V1 -> Y1 <- E1 / ^ A | \ v -> V2 -> Y2 <- E2

18.4 Causal Models

prior knowledge of cause and effect predetermined order of responses step-down analysis analysis of covariance y_ij1 = \mu_i1 + e_ij1 y_ij2 = \mu_i2 + \beta y_ij1 + e_ij2 . . . order determined BEFORE experiment use backward elimination from fullest model to test for no group differences path diagram -> Y1 <- E1 / | A | \ v -> Y2 <- E2

Last modified: Mon Jun 17 11:35:46 1996 by Brian Yandell