Practical Data Analysis

Problem Sets

Note to current Stat 850 students: These problems and those in Spring 1995 Homework do not necessarily correspond to your homework!

NOTE: This area is currently being developed. See Spring 1995 Homework for Brian Yandell's Statistics 850 and/or the Practical Data Analysis (PDA) Book Information.

File suffixes used in this directory:

	*.dat		data
	*.sdat		data for S or Splus (if there are missing data)

	*.sas		SAS instructions (sometimes called "source")
	*.log		SAS log (check SAS listing (sometimes called "output")
	*.prt		SAS condensed listings (from the saspr command)

	*.s		S (or Splus) instructions (or source files)
	*.sink		S listing
	*.script	S session using UNIX "script" command

	*.ps		PostScript of Homework Assignment
	*.html		HyperText Markup of Homework Assignment

  1. Comparing Groups

  2. Multiple Comparisons
  3. Ordered Groups
  4. Balanced Factorial Model
  5. Unbalanced Experiment
  6. Multiple Responses
  7. Unequal Variance
  8. Random Effects Models
  9. Mixed Models & Experimental Design
  10. Repeated Measures
  11. Repeated Measures with Blocking

Last modified: Wed Jan 31 10:47:18 1996 by Brian Yandell (