Stat 850: Schedule, Readings & Texts

Part:chapter in Weekly Schedule refer to Yandell's Practical Data Analysis for Designed Experiments.

Weekly Schedule

week  date topic                chapters  homework       nature
 1   24 jan placing data in context A:1-3   initial reading   get up to speed
     26 jan comparing groups        B:4-6   
 2   31 jan factorial anova         C:7-8   comparing groups  learn computer system

      2 feb balanced experiments    C:8-9   
 3    7 feb unbalanced designs      D:10    factorial anova   learn notation
      9 feb missing cells           D:11
 4   14 feb linear models           D:12    unbalanced data   cautious interpretation
     16 feb frequency tables
 5   21 feb goodness-of-fit                 missing cells     balanced subsets
     23 feb log linear model
 6   28 feb generalized LM                  categorical data  goodness-of-fit

      1 mar blocking & subsampling  H:22
 7    6 mar nested designs          H:22-23 midterm           first 6 weeks
      8 mar split-plot design       H:23   
 *   13 mar SPRING BREAK            *
     15 mar SPRING BREAK            *
 8   20 mar repeated measures       I:25    split plot        diff size EUs
     22 mar epsilon adjustment
 9   27 mar multivariate approach   I:26    repeated measures
     29 mar cross-over design       I:27   

10    3 apr random effects          G:19    cross-over
      5 apr two-factor random       G:20
11   10 apr balanced mixed models   G:21    random effects
     12 apr variance components     G:19.4,20.2
12   17 apr restricted ML (REML)    G:19.3-5 variance components
     19 apr general random models   G:20-21 
13   24 apr general nested design   H:24    nested design     
     26 apr general repeated meas   I:26.3

14    1 may analysis of covariance  F:16-17 general rep meas
      3 may multiple responses      F:18
15    8 may model selection         C:9.1-3 ancova
     10 may review/overview         A-I    FINAL out

Homework by Week

Homework is generally assigned on Tuesdays and due the following Tuesday. Discussions on Thursday can help with key points in the homework. See Weekly Schedule for more detailed information on topics, and Readings for material in related texts. Examples in parentheses are examples from R or Splus. To view them, attach the PDA library and then run the example as below:
     > library( pda )
     > example( Tomato )
 #   topic                    nature
 1   practical data analysis     read 1-6, setup computer account (Tomato)
 2   analysis of variance        8.1 (BactRoom)
                                 read 7-9
 3   unbalanced data             10.2, 11.3a (Hardy, Growth)
                                 read 10-12
 4   missing cells               11.3b-e, 11.1a-c (Growth)
                                 read VR 7.0-3
 5   counting data               redo 11.3 with counts (Count)
                                 read 19.1, 22.1-3, 23
 6   counting data               analyze BrandX (BrandX)
 7   split plot                  22.2, 23.1 (Bacteria)
 25.3, 26.3(a-c) (Berry)
27.2, 3.2
20.1, seeds & farms (Rantwo)
26.4: consider at least 2 covariance structures (Season)
24.1 (Diet)

Readings by Part

Initial readings of Yandell (A:1-3) and Milliken & Johnson (MJ 4,6) cover introduction to practical data analysis and design of experiments. You should be reasonably comfortable with normal F, t, chi-square distributions, matrix algebra and general theory of linear models (e.g. Hocking 2-4, Seber A,3; Searle 7,8; Scheffe A,1). Some of this material will be reviewed as needed (see Yandell D:12). Suggested background computer reading includes Venables & Ripley (VR) 1-3 for Splus and di Iorio & Hardy (DH) or Littell, Freund & Spector (LFS) for SAS. However, most of the needed material on these languages can be picked up from examples supplied by the instructor in homework and Internet pages. Abbreviations identified above (plus M = Miller, H = Hocking) are used to suggest supplementary reading.
part:topic             readings
A:Data in Context         MJ 4,6; VR 1-3
B:Comparing Groups        H 1.3,1.5,4.1,12; MJ 1,2,3; VR 6.5; LFS 2
C:Factor Effects          H 13.1,13.3,14.2,14.4; MJ 5,7-8; VR 6.5; LFS 2,5.2
D:Imbalance               H 13.2,13.4; MJ 9-15; VR 6.6; LFS 4
E:Assumptions             H 6; VR 6.3; M 1-4; LFS 1.8
F:Covariates              H 6.7,10.3,12.4; VR 6.1-6.2,12.3; M 5; LFS 1,6-7,5.5-5.6
G:Fixed & Random Effects  H 15-17; MJ 18-23; VR 6.7; M 7; LFS 3.3
H:Nesting Units           H 14-17; MJ 5,24-25,28-30; VR 6.7; LFS 3,5.3,5.7-5.8
I:Repeating Measures      H 15.2x6,16.4x6; MJ 5,26-29,31-32; LFS 8,5.4


Last modified: sun 23 jan 2000 by Brian Yandell (