Yu-Chi Lai
CS642 Introduction to Information SecurityCourse Description:Shared resources (such as the Internet) have created a global and open information infrastructure. A global infrastructure has several advantages, such as ease of sharing information. However, shared resources also increase the risk due to malicious behavior. Information security is the area that deals with protection from and detection of malicious activity. This course will follow the general structure given below.
Course Projcet: Secure Poker
Every player will need a public/private key to play. They will also need to have an account with the house. Startup will have to be coordinated amongst the players. Session keys will be established between the house and the players. The session key is used to encrypt players. cards and for players to sign their bets. The house is responsible for totaling the pot and announcing bets to all players and tracking players banks. Session keys will be destroyed after a players leaves a current session. |
Contact: E-mail yu-chil@cae.wisc.edu Address 422 N. Segoe Rd. Apt. 73B, Madison, WI 53705 Phone H: 608-236-9763 CS: 608-262-7500