


Computer Science

Cornell University
Master of Engineering

432/433 Intro to Database
501 Software Engineering
530 Large Scale Information System
578 Emprical Methods in Machine Learning and Data Mining
664 Machine Vision
672 Advance Artificial Intelligence

UW - Madison
Bachelor of Science

302 Intro to Information Security
352 Digital System Fundamentals
354 Machine Organization&Programming
367 Intro to Data Structures
412 Intro to Numerical Methods
520 Intro to Theoretical Computing
536 Intro to Programming Language & Compilers
537 Intro to Operating Systems
540 Intro to Artificial Intelligence
577 Intro to Algorithms
640 Intro to Computer Networks
699 Directed Study
701 Construction of Compilers ( Graduate Level )


UW - Madison
Bachelor of Science

202 Introduction to Psychology
210 Psychometric Methods
225 Experimental Psychology
409 Psychology of Motivation
411 Current Topics - Schizophrenia
507 Psychology of Personality
512 Behavior Pathology-Psychoses
517 Intro to Clinical Psychology
560 Child Psychology
618 Research Topics - Psychopathology


234 Calculus --Functions of Variables
340 Elementary Matrix&Linear Algebra

Last Updated: Thursday 23 June, 2005