LunarConvert is a Dashboard widget for Mac OS X Tiger. It converts between regular calendar and the chinese lunar calendar and also shows the Chinese zodiac of the lunar year. The converter uses the engine used in the converter from Yahoo!Kimo. The original code is included in lunar.js, the copy right of the code belongs to the original author. lunar.js also includes codes from Apple's code example. The only purpose of this widget is only to provide the same service in the widget format.
LunarConvert 是一個 Mac OS X Tiger 的 Dashboard widget。您可以使用他來轉換查詢陰陽曆的日期,並且顯示陰曆的生肖。
此陰陽曆轉換使用 Yahoo! 奇摩的轉換引擎,包含於 lunar.js 當中,其原著作權為原作者所有。lunar.js 也包含了 Apple 所提供的 example 程式碼。LunarConvert.widget 只是將這個網路服務,轉換成 Mac OS X Widget的方式呈現。
How To Use 如何使用:
Copy LunarConvert.wdgt to
將 LunarConvert.wdgt 拷貝至
To Do 未來計畫:
Known Bug 已知臭蟲:
Release Hisotry 更新紀錄:
- Added the flip side and included powered by info
- completely remade the GUI and tried to comply to the standard
- include the icon
- finally a real widget
Modify the GUI to show the whole output string.
Initial Release