# Schedule

AEFIS Syllabus: File

Week Date Topics P
W1 26-Jan Scalars, Vectors, Matrices P1
W2 2-Feb Math Operations, Vectorization
W3 9-Feb Discretization, Plotting P2
W4 16-Feb String Operations, Input, Output
W5 23-Feb Indicators, Functions P3
W6 2-Mar Linear Systems, Matrix Algebra
W7 9-Mar Curve Fitting, Regression P4
W8 23-Mar Loops, Fixed Point
W9 30-Mar Random Variables, Simulation P5
W10 6-Apr Conditionals, Recursion
W11 13-Apr Debugging, Input Validation P6
W12 20-Apr Numerical Differentiation, Integration
W13 27-Apr Root Finding, Bisection and Newton's Method P7
W14 4-May TBD

📗 Click the W1, W2, etc to see the lecture slides, quizzes, examples, and programming homework (P).
📗 Lectures: Wednesdays 4:35 to 5:25 PM, (~20 min) review of basic materials, (~30 min) going over examples and quizzes. In-person and recorded on Zoom. You will login Socrative using your real wiscID to complete the quizzes (Link).
📗 The topics are subject to change.
📗 The optional textbooks are MATLAB Programming Language: MathWorks Documentation, Computational Mathematics: A First Course in Computational Mathematics (MATLAB edition) by Richard Porter.
📗 MATLAB is required. You can download MATLAB from Campus Software Library or use the online version MATLAB Online (Wisc ID login required).

# Grading Scheme

Component Frequency Number Max Points Each
Quizzes Weekly 15 2
Programming Bi-Weekly 7 10

Grade Letter Numeric
75+ CR 1
74- NCR 0

# Admin

📗 Instructor: Young Wu, Personal Website

📗 Office hours: drop by the Shelf or join on Zoom to ask questions and/or work with other students in groups.
Day Time Event Location
Monday 4:35 to 5:25 PM Zoom office hours Zoom Link
Tuesday 4:35 to 5:25 PM In person office hours the Shelf, Photo
Wednesday 4:35 to 5:25 PM Lectures 168 Noland Hall, Photo, Zoom Link
Thursday 4:35 to 5:25 PM In person office hours the Shelf, Photo
Friday 4:35 to 5:25 PM Zoom office hours Zoom Link
Saturday 4:35 to 5:25 PM Zoom office hours Zoom Link
Sunday 4:35 to 5:25 PM Zoom office hours Zoom Link

📗 Regrade request forms: Quiz (Select Q1 for Week 1 Quiz), Programming.

# Course Website

📗 This webpage (for lecture notes and assignments).
📗 Canvas (for grades): Link.
📗 Piazza (for discussion): Signup, Link.
📗 Socrative (for quizzes): Student Link Teacher Link. The room numbers are "CS368" for graded quizzes: use your wisc ID to log in (without "@wisc.edu"), and "CS368A" for anonymous feedback. You can also use the following room links: CS368 and CS368A.
📗 Discord (unofficial): Link.
📗 Slack (unofficial): Link.
📗 Professor Michael O'Neill: 2020 and CS310.
📗 Professor Beck Hasti: 2021.

Last Updated: January 16, 2025 at 12:06 PM