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# M19 Past Exam Problems

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# Question 1

📗 [2 points] Given the following image gradient, suppose gradient vectors are put into one of the four bins according to the gradient direction: bin 1: (0,π2], bin 2: (π2,π], bin 3: [−π2,−π), bin 4: [0,−π2), which bin does the gradient of the center element (pixel) fall into?
∇x = [8−210−4−3−5−1−85], ∇y = [−2099−10610−2−10].
Enter the bin number (1, 2, 3, or 4), not the direction.
📗 Calculator (you can use the function atan2(y, x)): .
📗 Answer: .


# Question 2

📗 [4 points] What is the gradient magnitude of the center element (pixel) of the image [8−210−4−3−5−1−85]. Use the x gradient filter: [−101], and the y gradient filter: [−101]. Remember to flip the filters.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 3

📗 [4 points] What is the gradient magnitude of the center element (pixel) of the image [8−210−4−3−5−1−85]. Use the x gradient filter: [−101−202−101], and the y gradient filter: [−1−2−1000121]. Remember to flip the filters.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 4

📗 [4 points] What is the gradient magnitude of the center element (pixel) of the image [8−210−4−3−5−1−85]. Use the x gradient filter: [−101−202−101], and the y gradient filter: [−1−2−1000121]. Remember to flip the filters.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 5

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 6

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 7

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 8

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 9

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 10

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 11

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 12

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 13

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 14

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 15

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 16

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 17

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 18

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 19

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 20

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 21

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 22

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 23

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 24

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Question 25

📗 [1 points] Blank.
📗 Answer: .


# Grade

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📗 You can find videos going through the questions on Link.

Last Updated: February 23, 2025 at 5:49 AM