CS540 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

CS540, Summer 2024

Department of Computer Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Madison

# Schedule (Subject to Change)

Slides will be updated the week they are covered.

Date Topic Reading materials Assignments Due
Jun 18-19 Statistics and Math Review, Natural Language Processing and Naive Bayes L1 and RN23.1, 20.2 A1 Jul 1
Jun 20-21 Hierarchical Clustering, K Means Clustering L2 and RN20.3 A2 Jul 1
Jun 25-26 Linear Algebra Review, Principal Component Analysis L3 and RN21.7 A3 Jul 8
Jun 27-28 K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees L4 and RN19.3, 19.7 A4 Jul 15
Jul 2-3 Linear Regression, Logistic Regression L5 and RN16.9 - -
Jul 4-5 Neural Network, Gradient Descent, Support Vector Machines L6 and RN21.1, 21.2 A5 Jul 29
Jul 9-10 Computer Vision, Convolutional Neural Network L7 and RN25.3, 21.3 - -
Jul 11-12 Midterm Review - - -
Jul 16-17 Breadth and Depth First Search, Iterative Deepening Search L8 and RN3.3, 3.4 - -
Jul 18-19 Midterm Exam - - -
Jul 23-24 Uniform Cost and Best First Greedy Search, A* Search L9 and RN3.5, 3.6 - -
Jul 25-26 Hill-Climbing and Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm L10 and RN4.1 - -
Jul 30-31 Game Theory, Minimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning L11 and RN5.1, 5.2 - -
Aug 1-2 Final Review - - -
Aug 6-7 Markov Decision Process, Reinforcement Learning L12 and RN22.2, 22.3 - -
Aug 8-9 Final Exam - - -

📗 The RNx in the "Reading materials" column is the chapter number from the RN textbook: Link.

Last Updated: July 03, 2024 at 2:04 AM