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# Natural Language Processing Tasks

📗 Supervised learning:
➩ Speech recognition.
➩ Text to speech.
➩ Machine translation.
➩ Image captioning (combines with convolutional networks).
📗 Other similar sequential control or prediction problems:
➩ Handwritting recognition (online recognition: input is a sequence of pen positions, not an image).
➩ Time series prediction (for example, stock price prediction).
➩ Robot control (and other dynamic control tasks).

# Recurrent Networks

📗 Dynamic system uses the idea behind bigram models, and uses the same transition function over time:
➩ \(a_{t+1} = f_{a}\left(a_{t}, x_{t+1}\right)\) and \(y_{t+1} = f_{o}\left(a_{t+1}\right)\)
➩ \(a_{t+2} = f_{a}\left(a_{t+1}, x_{t+2}\right)\) and \(y_{t+2} = f_{o}\left(a_{t+2}\right)\)
➩ \(a_{t+3} = f_{a}\left(a_{t+2}, x_{t+3}\right)\) and \(y_{t+3} = f_{o}\left(a_{t+3}\right)\)
➩ ...
📗 Given input \(x_{i,t,j}\) for item \(i = 1, 2, ..., n\), time \(t = 1, 2, ..., t_{i}\), and feature \(j = 1, 2, ..., m\), the activations can be written as \(a_{t+1} = g\left(w^{\left(a\right)} \cdot a_{t} + w^{\left(x\right)} \cdot x_{t} + b^{\left(a\right)}\right)\).
➩ Each item can be a sequence with different number of elements \(t_{i}\), therefore, each item has different number of activation units \(a_{i,t}\), \(t = 1, 2, ..., t_{i}\).
➩ There can be either one output unit at the end of each item \(o = g\left(w^{\left(o\right)} \cdot a_{t_{i}} + b^{\left(o\right)}\right)\), or \(t_{i}\) output units one for each activation unit \(o_{t} = g\left(w^{\left(o\right)} \cdot a_{t} + b^{\left(o\right)}\right)\).
📗 Multiple recurrent layers can be added where the previous layer activation \(a^{\left(l-1\right)}_{t}\) can be used in place of \(x_{t}\) as the input of the next layer \(a^{\left(l\right)}_{t}\), meaning \(a^{\left(l\right)}_{t+1} = g\left(w^{\left(l\right)} \cdot a^{\left(l\right)}_{t} + w^{\left(l-1\right)} \cdot a^{\left(l-1\right)}_{t+1} + b^{\left(l\right)}\right)\).
📗 Neural networks containing recurrent units are called recurrent neural networks: Wikipedia.
➩ Convolutional layers share weights over different regions of an image.
➩ Recurrent layers share weights over different times (positions in a sequence).
TopHat Discussion
📗 [1 points] Which weights (including copies of the same weight) are used in one backpropogation through time gradient descent step when computing \(\dfrac{\partial C}{\partial w^{\left(x\right)}}\)? Use the slider to unfold the network given an input sequence.

Input sequence length: 1
Output is also a sequence:

# Backpropogation Through Time

📗 The gradient descent algorithm for recurrent networks are called Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT): Wikipedia.
📗 It computes the gradient by unfolding a recurrent neural network in time.
➩ In the case with one output unit at the end, \(\dfrac{\partial C_{i}}{\partial w^{\left(o\right)}} = \dfrac{\partial C_{i}}{\partial o_{i}} \dfrac{\partial o_{i}}{\partial w^{\left(o\right)}}\), and \(\dfrac{\partial C_{i}}{\partial w^{\left(a\right)}} = \dfrac{\partial C_{i}}{\partial o_{i}} \dfrac{\partial o_{i}}{\partial a_{t_{i}}} \dfrac{\partial a_{t_{i}}}{\partial w^{\left(a\right)}} + \dfrac{\partial C_{i}}{\partial o_{i}} \dfrac{\partial o_{i}}{\partial a_{t_{i}}} \dfrac{\partial a_{t_{i}}}{\partial a_{t_{i} - 1}} \dfrac{\partial a_{t_{i} - 1}}{\partial w^{\left(a\right)}} + ... + \dfrac{\partial C_{i}}{\partial o_{i}} \dfrac{\partial o_{i}}{\partial a_{t_{i}}} \dfrac{\partial a_{t_{i}}}{\partial a_{t_{i} - 1}} ... \dfrac{\partial a_{2}}{\partial a_{1}} \dfrac{\partial a_{1}}{\partial w^{\left(a\right)}}\), and \(\dfrac{\partial C_{i}}{\partial w^{\left(x\right)}} = \dfrac{\partial C_{i}}{\partial o_{i}} \dfrac{\partial o_{i}}{\partial a_{t_{i}}} \dfrac{\partial a_{t_{i}}}{\partial w^{\left(x\right)}} + \dfrac{\partial C_{i}}{\partial o_{i}} \dfrac{\partial o_{i}}{\partial a_{t_{i}}} \dfrac{\partial a_{t_{i}}}{\partial a_{t_{i} - 1}} \dfrac{\partial a_{t_{i} - 1}}{\partial w^{\left(x\right)}} + ... + \dfrac{\partial C_{i}}{\partial o_{i}} \dfrac{\partial o_{i}}{\partial a_{t_{i}}} \dfrac{\partial a_{t_{i}}}{\partial a_{t_{i} - 1}} ... \dfrac{\partial a_{2}}{\partial a_{1}} \dfrac{\partial a_{1}}{\partial w^{\left(x\right)}}\).
➩ The case with one output unit for each activation unit is similar.
TopHat Discussion
📗 [1 points] Which weights (including copies of the same weight) are used in one backpropogation through time gradient descent step when computing \(\dfrac{\partial C}{\partial w^{\left(x\right)}}\)? Use the slider to unfold the network given an input sequence.

Input sequence length: 1
Output is also a sequence:

# Vanishing and Exploding Gradient

📗 Vanishing gradient: if the weights are small, the gradient through many layers will shrink exponentially to \(0\).
📗 Exploding gradient: if the weights are large, the gradient through many layers will grow exponentially to \(\pm \infty\).
📗 In recurrent neural networks, if the sequences are long, the gradients can easily vanish or explode.
📗 In deep fully connected or convolutional networks, vanishing or exploding gradient is also a problem.

# Gated Recurrent Unit and Long Short Term Memory

📗 Gated hidden units can be added to keep track of memories: Link.
➩ Technically adding small weights will not lead to vanishing gradient like multiplying small weights, so hidden units can be added together.
📗 Long Short Term Memory (LSTM): Wikipedia.
➩ The (long term) memory is updated by \(a^{\left(c\right)}_{t} = a^{\left(f\right)}_{t} \times a^{\left(c\right)}_{t-1} + a^{\left(i\right)}_{t} \times a^{\left(g\right)}_{t}\), where \(a^{\left(c\right)}\) is called the cell unit, \(a^{\left(f\right)}\) is the forget gate and controls how much memory to forget, \(a^{\left(i\right)}\) is the input gate and controls how much information to add to memory, \(a^{\left(g\right)}\) is the new values added to memory.
➩ The (short term memory) state is updated by \(a^{\left(h\right)} = a^{\left(o\right)} \times g\left(a^{\left(c\right)}_{t}\right)\), where \(a^{\left(h\right)}\) is the usual recurrent unit called hidden state, \(a^{\left(o\right)}\) is the output gate and controls how much information from the memory to reflect in the next state.
➩ Each of the gates are computed based on the hidden state and the input features (or the previous layer hidden states if there are multiple LSTM layers): \(a^{\left(f\right)}_{t} = g\left(w^{\left(f\right)} \cdot x_{t} + w^{\left(F\right)} \cdot a^{\left(h\right)}_{t-1} + b^{\left(f\right)}\right)\), \(a^{\left(i\right)}_{t} = g\left(w^{\left(i\right)} \cdot x_{t} + w^{\left(I\right)} \cdot a^{\left(h\right)}_{t-1} + b^{\left(i\right)}\right)\), \(a^{\left(g\right)}_{t} = g\left(w^{\left(g\right)} \cdot x_{t} + w^{\left(G\right)} \cdot a^{\left(h\right)}_{t-1} + b^{\left(g\right)}\right)\), \(a^{\left(o\right)}_{t} = g\left(w^{\left(o\right)} \cdot x_{t} + w^{\left(O\right)} \cdot a^{\left(h\right)}_{t-1} + b^{\left(o\right)}\right)\).
📗 Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU): Wikipedia.
➩ The memory is also updated through addition: \(a^{\left(h\right)}_{t} = \left(1 - a^{\left(z\right)}_{t}\right) \times a^{\left(h\right)}_{t-1} + a^{\left(z\right)}_{t} \times a^{\left(g\right)}_{t}\), where \(a^{\left(z\right)}\) is the update gate, and \(a^{\left(r\right)}\) is the reset gate.
➩ Each of the gates are computed in a similar way: \(a^{\left(z\right)}_{t} = g\left(w^{\left(z\right)} \cdot x_{t} + w^{\left(Z\right)} \cdot a^{\left(h\right)}_{t-1} + b^{\left(z\right)}\right)\), \(a^{\left(r\right)}_{t} = g\left(w^{\left(r\right)} \cdot x_{t} + w^{\left(R\right)} \cdot a^{\left(h\right)}_{t-1} + b^{\left(r\right)}\right)\), \(a^{\left(g\right)}_{t} = g\left(w^{\left(g\right)} \cdot x_{t} + w^{\left(G\right)} \cdot a^{\left(r\right)}_{t} \times a^{\left(h\right)}_{t-1} + b^{\left(g\right)}\right)\).
📗 GRU:


📗 Notes and code adapted from the course taught by Professors Jerry Zhu, Yingyu Liang, and Charles Dyer.
📗 Content from note blocks marked "optional" and content from Wikipedia and other demo links are helpful for understanding the materials, but will not be explicitly tested on the exams.
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Last Updated: February 23, 2025 at 5:50 AM