CS540 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS540, Summer 2025
Department of Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Madison
# Office Hour Guidelines
📗 Instructor office hours should be used for conceptual and high-level questions. Instructor office hours are open to everyone unless someone specifically asks for a private meeting.
📗 TA or PM office hours should be used for programming related questions or moderate conceptual questions. TAs and PMs will hold office hours online or in CS building.
📗 If there are more students in the queue, TAs or PMs can limit each student to 10 minutes. After which you can join the queue again by putting your name at the end of the queue.
# Regrade Requests
📗 Please drop by one of the TAs' office hours and ask them to regrade the assignments.
📗 We do not accept regrade requests for in-class quizzes and exams.
📗 In-class quizzes cannot be excused for any reason.
Last Updated: February 01, 2025 at 9:38 PM