📗 Using the same geometry with different meshes can still be costly (lots of time switching).
➩ Objects can be combined into one single large buffer geometry (not practical).
➩ Alternative types of meshes can be used:
(1) THREE.InstancedMesh: if there is a large number of objects with the same geometry and material (shader): Doc.
(2) THREE.BatchedMesh: if there is a large number of objects with the same material (shader): Doc.
📗 Loading texture images and creating MIP maps are expensive.
📗 Each texture should be loaded only once, and not in an animation loop.
📗 Combining all textures into a single image and set UVs for different objects saves a lot of time. The combined texture is called texture atlas: Wikipedia.
📗 THREE.js has an animation system to do key frame animation: Link.
📗 Key frame animation set properties of the objects (position, rotation in quarternion, or color, ...) at key frames and interpolate the values for the frames in between: Wikipedia.
📗 THREE.js keeps a list of time points [t1, t2, t3, ...] and a list of values [v1, v2, v3, ...] in a KeyframeTrack.
➩ The value of the properties will be set to v1 at t1, v2 at t2, ... and interpolated in between.
➩ The value types can be BooleanKeyframeTrack, ColorKeyframeTrack, NumberKeyframeTrack, QuaternionKeyframeTrack (since axis-angle and Euler angles are difficult to interpolate), StringKeyframeTrack, VectorKeyframeTrack: .
📗 An AnimationClip can be created based on a KeyframeTrack, or from morph target sequences, or loaded from a model that include animation.
📗 40 multiple-choice questions: only one answer is correct.
➩ 15 questions similar to questions from the Survey or TopHat on 2D topics.
➩ 15 questions similar to questions from the Survey or TopHat on 3D topics.
➩ 9 questions will be similar to the questions I cover during the review session.
➩ 1 question: "list questions you think are incorrect or unclear".
📗 Notes on paper are allowed. Calculators are allowed. Other devices are not allowed (in particular, cannot use your phone as calculator).
📗 You can find the past exams on Piazza: Piazza. I will select the ones relevant to our exam and go through them during the review session on April 29.
📗 If it looks very nice with a good theme, the graders will just give 10 out of 10 without checking p2-workbook.txt and counting items.
📗 If the project is presented during the last two weeks of lectures, the graders will not check p2-workbook.txt and counting items.
📗 If the project has simple or unrelated objects, the graders will count the items in p2-workbook.txt and read the explanation in p2-workbook.txt.
📗 If the project has simple or unrelated objects and p2-workbook.txt in the repo does not have explanations, the graders will give an estimate based on page 4 rubric.
📗 If p2-workbook.txt in the repo is empty or different from p2-workbook.txt submitted on Canvas, the graders will give 0 out of 10.
📗 Notes and code adapted from the course taught by Professor Michael Gleicher.
📗 Please use Ctrl+F5 or Shift+F5 or Shift+Command+R or Incognito mode or Private Browsing to refresh the cached JavaScript: Code.