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# Review of 3D Graphics: Meshes
📗 Triangles:
➩ The only primitive shape is triangles (sometimes points and lines).
➩ Projection of a triangle is a triangle.
➩ Barycentric coordinates.
➩ Fast algorithms to draw.
# Review of 3D Graphics: Materials
📗 The color of a point is determined by:
➩ Surface color (and properties).
➩ Light color (and properties).
📗 Local lighting:
➩ Given what light arrives, what is the color of the point.
➩ Compute each triangle (each point on each triangle) independently.
📗 Global lighting:
➩ What light gets to the point.
➩ How do different points interact.
➩ Shadows, reflections, refraction, ... (use texture hacks).
# Process of Drawing in 3D
📗 Triangles in 3D.
📗 Viewing: transform the triangles to 2D.
📗 Rasterization: convert triangles to pixels.
📗 Shading (lighting, texturing, ...): color each pixel.
➩ Clipping: decide if the triangle is on the screen.
➩ Visibility: decide if another triangle blocks the pixel.
# Culling
📗 Culling is skipping primitives based on clipping and visibility.
➩ Skip triangles outside of the camera frustum, outside of near and far planes.
➩ Skip farther triangles that are block by near ones (assume objects are solid and not transparent).
📗 Backface culling (given the normal) is determining whether the triangle is facing the camera:
Wikipedia .
# Visibility Algorithms
➩ Not used in practice.
➩ Collect all objects.
➩ Sort from back to front.
➩ Draw objects in order (back to front).
➩ Used in practice.
➩ Add an extra number per pixel: color buffer (RGB) and z-buffer (Z).
➩ Start with all pixels at max distance (far distance of the camera).
➩ When drawing a pixel \(\left(x, y\right)\) with color \(c\) at depth \(z\), if \(z\) value is smaller than the current \(\left(x, y\right)\) z-value (closer to the camera), replace the pixel color with \(c\) and z-value with \(z\).
# Painter's Algorithm
📗 Problems with painter's algorithm:
➩ Need all objects to sort (not immediate mode).
➩ If two triangles have ties or intersect, need to cut them.
➩ Inefficiency: resort when camera moves (can use Binary Space Partitioning trees or BSP trees):
Wikipedia .
➩ Inefficiency: draw things that get covered.
# Z-Buffer
📗 Problems with Z-buffer:
➩ Z-fighting problems: when z values can have ties (or numerical issues).
➩ Cannot handle transparency: can sort objects (painter's algorithm) and draw transparent objects last.
➩ Efficiency issue: pixels are thrown away after their colors are computed.
📗 It is used in practice since:
➩ It is simple.
➩ It is generally order-independent (immediate mode).
➩ It is easy to implement in hardware.
# Drawing Order [TopHat]
📗 If the drawing order is "red", "green", "blue", how is the frame buffer updated?
Demo painter
# Drawing Process: Pipeline
📗 Draw each triangle (order independent, can be done in parallel):
➩ (1) Transform triangles into 2D (with Z values).
➩ (2) Rasterize triangles (into pixels called fragments), with Z values).
➩ (3) Figure out the color of those fragments.
➩ (4) Write those fragments to the image (with Z test).
📗 Shaders program steps (1) and (3):
Wikipedia .
# Group of Triangles
📗 A shader program draws a group of triangles every frame.
📗 A group of triangles are sent to the program together.
📗 All triangles in the group share some common properties (scene, material), and they are called "uniforms".
# Shader Program
Transform vertices to 2D
Vertex shader
Rasterize triangles
Figure out the color of fragments (pixels)
Fragment shader
Write fragments to image
# Inputs and Outputs
Host program (JavaScript)
Vertex shader
Fragment shader
Per object info
Per object info
Per vertex info
Per fragment info
Per object info
Per vertex info
Per fragment info
Per vertex info
📗 Per object information is stored in uniform
📗 Per vertex information is stored in attribute
📗 Per fragment information is stored in varying
# Required Inputs and Outputs
📗 The purpose of the vertex shader is to output the screen space position (for rasterization and Z-test), and anything needed for coloring.
📗 The purpose of the fragment shader is to output the color of the fragment (pixel).
Host program (JavaScript)
Vertex shader
Fragment shader
(per fragment)
(per vertex)
📗 The rasterizer (Barycentric) interpolates the varying
variables for the vertices to get the variable for each fragment.
# OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)
📗 OpenGL GLSL is the shading language based on C:
Link .
📗 WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a variant of OpenGL that can be used with JavaScript:
Wikipedia .
➩ Syntax is similar to C: strict typing; operator overloading.
➩ Features for graphics: math data types (vectors and matrices), built-in functions.
📗 Each shader for a material is a separate program (compiled at runtime).
➩ Vertex shader: uniform
, attribute
-> gl_Position
, varying
➩ Fragment shader: uniform
, varying
-> gl_FragColor
# Where to Put Shaders
📗 THREE.ShaderMaterial
requires the following parameters:
: a dictionary of variables (
, ...):
Doc .
➩ vertexShader
: a String
containing the vertex shader program.
➩ fragmentShader
: a String
containing the fragment shader program.
📗 The shader programs can be written in JavaScript as a text string (lecture demos read the text in a text box).
➩ Shader programs can also be written in HTML a sa script.
➩ Shader programs can also have their own
files (workbooks do this, and CS559 Framework code helps with loading these files):
Doc .
# THREE Built-in Uniforms
📗 Some uniforms and attributes are built-in (no need to declare them in shader programs):
Doc .
Vertex shader
uniform mat4 modelMatrix
4 x 4 matrix
uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix
4 x 4 matrix
viewMatrix * modelMatrix
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix
4 x 4 matrix
uniform mat4 viewMatrix
4 x 4 matrix
uniform mat3 normalMatrix
3 x 3 matrix
inverse transpose of modelViewMatrix
uniform vec3 cameraPosition
3 x 1 vector
attribute vec3 position
3 x 1 vector
attribute vec3 normal
3 x 1 vector
attribute vec3 uv
3 x 1 vector
📗 There are some uniforms and attributes that are conditional depending on the material and geometry.
📗 For other built-in
, for example
, there is a list:
Link , but the documentation is not good at the moment:
Doc .
# Basic Vertex Shader
📗 The simplest (the one used by THREE.js) vertex shader computes the position of a vertex projected onto the screen: gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0)
➩ projectionMatrix
projects a point in 3D camera space onto 2D screen space.
➩ modelViewMatrix
projects a point in the 3D scene space onto 3D camera space.
➩ vec4(position, 1.0)
is the homogeneous coordinates of the position
attribute of the vertex.
📗 Note: 1.0
is a float and 1
is an int, they are different in shader program.
📗 For most of the workbook exercises, vertex shader does not need to be changed.
# Displacement Map with Vertex Shader [TopHat]
📗 CORRECTION from an earlier lecture: displacementMap
does not alter the geometry, it just renders it differently with a different vertext shader.
📗 Change the vertex shader so that there are bumps on the surface.
Demo shader
# Some Useful Built-in Functions
📗 If and else: if
, else
, ? :
📗 Operators: +
, -
, *
, \
📗 Comparisons: <
, >
, <=
, >=
, ==
, !=
📗 Logical: &&
, ||
📗 Trig: sin
, cos
, tan
, asin
, acos
, atan
📗 Other math: abs
, floor
, ceil
, fract
, mod
, sqrt
, pow
, exp
, log
📗 Vector: length
, distance
, cross
, normalize
, reflect
📗 To replace conditions (faster): max
, min
➩ sign
: sign(x) = x > 0.0 ? 1.0 : (x < 0.0 ? -1.0 : 0.0)
➩ clamp
: clamp(x, a, b) = min(max(x, a), b)
➩ mix
: mix(x, y, t) = x * (1 - t) + y * t
➩ step
: step(t, x) = x < t ? 0.0 : 1.0
➩ smoothstep
: smoothstep(t1, t2, x)
is the smooth version of step
, goes from 0.0
to 1.0
smoothly for x
between t1
and t2
. This is useful to get smooth transition between two colors.
📗 smoothstep
performs smooth Hermite interpolation: for x
between t1
and t2
, t = (x - t0) / (t1 - t0);
and smoothstep(t1, t2, x) = t * t * (3.0 - 2.0 * t)
# Fragment Shader Basic Example
📗 The simplest fragment shader uses a constant color for every fragment (pixel): gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
colors every pixel of the object (group of triangles), the last 1.0
is transparency.
📗 Interesting appearances (shading) can be created using changing the way the pixels are colored: all of these happen in the fragment shader.
# Passing Varying Variable [TopHat]
📗 Find out what the "original" color of the sphere is (what is material.getAttribute("color")
Demo shader_variable
# Passing Uniform Variable [TopHat]
📗 Uniforms can be created by JavaScript and passed in the THREE.ShaderMaterial
, for example, THREE.ShaderMaterial(uniforms = {t: {value: 0.0}, u: {value: 0.0}}, ...)
📗 Attributes can be created and set for THREE.BufferGeoemtry bg
too, for example, bg.setAttribute("v", ...)
📗 Change the vertex displacement or fragment color as a function of t
(time) or u
(slider value).
Demo shader_variable
# Passing Uniform Texture Variable [TopHat]
📗 One special type of uniform variable is uniform sampler2D texture
📗 It can be passed in as THREE.ShaderMaterial(uniforms = {texture: {value: THREE.Texture()}}, ...)
📗 To get its color, use the special function texture2D(texture, uv, ...)
📗 Change the vertex displacement or fragment color using the texture uniform variable tex
Demo shader_texture
# Implement Lighting
📗 THREE.js has default shaders to implement lighting:
➩ THREE.MeshBasicMaterial
does not implement lighting.
➩ THREE.MeshLambertMaterial
implements the simplest Lambertian model.
➩ THREE.MeshPhongMaterial
implements the Phong model (some physics next lecture).
➩ THREE.MeshStandardMaterial
implements an improved Phong model (not sure what it really does).
➩ THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial
implements a more complex model.
➩ THREE.ShaderMaterial
allows a custom shader.
# Lecture Summary
📗 Graphics pipeline.
📗 Painter's algorithm.
📗 Z-Buffer algorithm.
📗 Vertex and fragment shaders.
📗 WebGL shaders.
📗 Uniforms, attributes, varyings.
📗 Projection matrices.
📗 Notes and code adapted from the course taught by Professor Michael Gleicher.
📗 Please use Ctrl+F5 or Shift+F5 or Shift+Command+R or Incognito mode or Private Browsing to refresh the cached JavaScript:
Code .
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Last Updated: March 03, 2025 at 12:52 AM