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Sponsors: I am grateful for the generous support of the National Science Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and Microsoft Research.
Graduate/postdoctoral alumni: Undergraduate alumni: Huck Bennett (NYU), Boyan Li (CMU), Andrew Morgan (Wisconsin), Ruimin Zhang (U. Chicago)
Past courses: CS 520 Intro to Theoretical Computer Science: Spring 2008 CS 577 Introduction to Algorithms: Fall 2006, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Fall 2014, Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2020 CS 787 Advanced Algorithms: Fall 2007, Fall 2009, Spring 2013, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Spring 2019 CS 880 Topics in Theory: Spring 2007 (Approximation Algorithms), Spring 2011 (Algorithmic Game Theory), Spring 2015 (Beyond Worst-Case Analysis), Fall 2017 (Algorithms for Massive Datasets), Fall 2019 (Approximation and Online Algorithms) CMU 15-859 Randomized Algorithms: Fall 2004 Program Committees: FOCS'06, WINE'07, STOC'08, EC'08, EC'09, WINE'09, ICS'11, SODA'11, EC'11, FSTTCS'11, EC'12, APPROX'12, ITCS'13, STOC'13, EC'13, SAGT'13, EC'14, APPROX'14, FOCS'14, ISMP'15 (co-chair of game theory cluster), WWW'16, EC'16, ICALP'16, NetEcon'16, EC'17, HCOMP'17, EC'18, ESA'18, EC'19, FOCS'19, SODA'20 (chair), WINE'20, EC'21 (co-chair). Organization committees: First Workshop on Bayesian Mechanism Design (WBMD'11), First Workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory and Data Science (Colocated with ACM EC'15 at FCRC'15), First Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Human Computation (Colocated with HCOMP'16). Current/recent editorial boards: SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (2013-2019); ACM Transactions on Algorithms (2014-present); ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (2015-present). Other current/recent service commitments: SIGACT exec committee member-at-large; CATCS chair.
Office: 4373 Computer Science Phone: (608) 890 0027 Fax: (608) 262 9777 Mailing Address: Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin - Madison 1210 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706. Email: shuchi (AT) cs.wisc.edu |