New Stuff

Back In The Box
I'm back on my rollers and in the weight room. Getting strong so I can beat Dave next season. So my online training diary is getting updated again (for the last two days anyhow) - Check it out!

Special Features! Updates every day! Whaddya waiting for? Click here!

Special Feature! This week only! What's in my pockets?

I've put up some photos on my bike page and some silly java applets on my computer page.

I feel like one of those people who puts up a semi-elaborate web page and then loses interest. How can I expect anyone to want to visit my page if I never write anything new? Starting today everything's going to be different. I've learned a valuable lesson: that the most important part of maintaining a web page is rest. I put up so much web page so fast that I got burned out on HTML and animated gif's. Maintaining a web page is a lot like perodic training for cycling, which is a lot like baking a cake, which is a lot like building a skyscraper, which is a lot like juggling flaming knives...

So what really is new? Too much to mention here. I'm going to go and mess with all my other pages now, though, so be sure and look at them.

I did my second race as a cat 3. It was a Great Dane Training Crit. I rode very well and got 5th. My post-race report. I'm also synthesizing the incomparably awesone chemical 2,7-cyclooctodienone in chemistry 346.

I did my first race as a cat 3. It was a Great Dane Training Crit. I got dropped, but I still rode well. My post-race report. I also saw The Full Monty at the union. It's really funny. You should go see it before it leaves.

I got The Onion I was missing from Ben (thanks Ben!). Ben also loaned me his bike rack so that I could get mine and Dave's bikes down to Indiana. It would be safe to say that Ben's generosity knows no bounds. He even gave me his old VeloNews issues.