Computer Sciences Dept.

CS/ECE 552 Introduction to Computer Architecture Spring 2010 Section 1
Instructor David A. Wood and T. A. Tony Nowatzki
URL: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~david/courses/cs552/S10/

Mentor Environment Setup

To use the mentor tools, you will need to add a number of lines to your 'bash' or 'csh' shell setup files.  These files (.bashrc.local or .cshrc.local) are located in your home directory.


To see what shell you are using, run this command:

echo $0

Depending on the result (bash or csh), add the following lines to the indicated file.

CSH / TCSH (edit .cshrc.local)


setenv MGC_HOME /s/mentor/MGC_HOME-2004

setenv SDD_ROOT /s/mentor

setenv SDD_HOME /s/mentor/2004

setenv ADK /s/mentor/adk

setenv MGC_WD $HOME/mentor

setenv MGC_LOCATION_MAP $HOME/mentor/.location

setenv MGLS_LICENSE_FILE /s/mentor/etc/cust/mgls/mgc.licenses

set path = ($path /s/mentor/bin /s/mentor/MGC_HOME-2004/bin /s/mentor/adk/bin)


BASH (edit .bashrc.local)


export MGC_HOME=/s/mentor/MGC_HOME-2004

export SDD_ROOT=/s/mentor

export SDD_HOME=/s/mentor/2004

export ADK=/s/mentor/adk

export MGC_WD=$HOME/mentor

export MGC_LOCATION_MAP=$HOME/mentor/.location

export MGLS_LICENSE_FILE=/s/mentor/etc/cust/mgls/mgc.licenses

export PATH=$PATH:/s/mentor/bin:/s/mentor/MGC_HOME-2004/bin:/s/mentor/adk/bin



Now type the following to your shell (start in your home directory):


source .cshrc.local (or .bashrc.local)

mkdir mentor

cd mentor

cp ~cs552-1/public/mentor/.location .location

Edit your .location file and replace the last line with the path to your mentor directory. Mentor applications use the .location file (called location map ) to determine the location in the file system of the libraries they may need.

To start modelSim enter command "vsim" in the terminal.

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