Computer Sciences Dept.

CS/ECE 552 Introduction to Computer Architecture Spring 2010 Section 1
Instructor David A. Wood and T. A. Tony Nowatzki
URL: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~david/courses/cs552/S10/

Enforced rule for all verilog submissions

  • Every verilog file must define EXACTLY one module. If you define multiple modules in a verilog file, it will be considered a violation of cs552 verilog rules.

  • If a verilog file is called xor15.v, the module it contains must be named xor15.v

    • The filename and module name must have an EXACT one-to-one match

    • YOU CANNOT have a file called 15xor.v and in it create a module called adder.v

  • If in doubt, run the name-convention-check script

  • Any instantiation of a module must include port names along with net-names.i.e

         clkrst c0(clk, rst) is NOT OK
         clkrst c0(.clk(clk), .rst(rst)) is CORRECT

Recommended Hierarchy and Filenaming conventions

  • Your top-level module must be called foo_hier.v

  • It MUST contain clkrst.v

  • Its interface (input/output ports) should be identical to what is suggested in your homework problems

  • Name the module you are designing foo and instantiate foo inside foo_hier.v

  • See example rf_hier.v and rf.v for examples for the register file. /p/course/cs552-david/public/html/S10/handouts/name-convention-check

  • You will follow a similar convention for your project.

  • Create cpu.v and cpu_hier.v

  • Name all testbenches with the _bench suffix

For project.

We will follow this same convention for your project.

  • Your top most level with just the processor MUST be called proc.v. A template for this is already provided.

  • You must use the provided proc_hier.v which will instantiate the clock generator and your processor.

  • You must use the proc_hier_bench.v testbench.

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