Home Page/ Biography
Research & Work Experience
Projects (Graduate)
Projects (Undergraduate)
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Research Interests: Systems and Databases
I graduated with a Masters degree from the Department of Computer Sciences at University of Wisconsin Madison in summer 2006.
I was working as a Research Assistant for the Condor Project, which supports high-throughput computing on distributed resources.
I did a summer internship at the Microsoft SQL Server group of Microsoft Corp. at Redmond, WA.
I received my undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering from BITS, Pilani in India and was awarded Gold medal for the Academic year 2003-2004, as one of the best graduating students of the Institute.
I was one of the finalists for the 2005 Google Anita Borg Memorial scholarship and had the opportunity to participate in a workshop on educational and career issues of women in computer science conducted at the Google Headquaters at Mountain View, CA.
My hobbies include sketching and canvas painting. Some of the other fun activities I've indulged in at Madison are ice-skating, biking, swimming, step-aerobics and lots of travelling.