Michael N. Wallick
Computer Graphics Laboratory
Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin - Madison

608 265-2711 (Graphics Lab)

Academic Standing:Graduate Student, Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Previous Degrees:Master of Science in Computer Science; University of Wisconsin-Madison; May 2003
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; University of Central Florida; University Honors and Honors in Computer Science; May, 2001

Awards and Honors:
2004-05 Microsoft Research Fellow

University of Central Florida Affiliations:
Lead Scholars Program (Graduated 1999)
University Honors College
Honors in the Major

Computer Science Affiliations:
University of Wisconsin Student ACM (Vice-president 2004-5)
Upsilon Pi Epsilon
Association for Computing Machinery
NSF REU Program in Computer Vision
REU 2000 Web page

Teaching Experience:

Head of UCF ACM student tutoring program
Teaching Assistant for COT3100 (Introduction to Discrete Structures)

Research Project:

To see the details about my projects at UCF, click here

The current project that I am working on now, is Virtual Videography. The idea is to use cameras to record everyday interactions, and have the computer edit the video to make it look as though it was professionally edited, and more interesting to watch.

In the Fall 2001 semester, we recorded every lecture* of a class using two cameras onto DV tape. Each camera will be set up to cover about half of the front of the room. (There will be some overlap between the two cameras.) We would then like to splice the two streams together and create one wide shot of the front of the classroom. Computer vision and graphic techniques will then be used to simulate camera movement and shots within the wide shot image. For example, a pan shot can be simulated by creating a zoom box and moving that box across several frames. We will develop several type of these simulated shots, as well as rules so that the computer can automatically choose which shot to use.

For the Fall 2003 semester we will once again record all of the 559 lectures. This time we will be using a JVC Digital HD Video Camera (very cool!). Results from that video taping will be coming soon.

Our system is unique, as it is intended to be offline, where as most VV projects are real time. By processing the video in an off-line manor, we can take advantage of this "still camera" idea to generate shots, and use look ahead methods to determine the best shot to use. In an on-line system, once a shot is chosen, it must be used - regardless of the quality.

For more information about the Virtual Videography project, Click here for the Virtual Videography Project.

New A fully automated edited video. This our first video that was completely generated by a computer. The only human interaction was that I told the computer the location of the chalkboard. This was achieved by finding when and where writing occurred on the chalkboard, to form regions. These regions were then used as basic elements for camera shots. A separate program analyzed the regions and put together the shots based on rules of film that were coded into the program. This is a very cool video, but it is about 6 1/2 minutes long, and several hundred megs - I wouldn't recommend viewing it over a slow Internet connection.

* Every lecture with the exception of a few "mishaps" where we had to work some bugs out of the system. We were able to record over 25 of the 30 lectures


Google Scholar

Disk Catalog A python script to catalog contents of a harddrisk (to a text file)

How to rebuild your windows icons - useful when tortoise CVS messes up the icons

Keith Price's Computer Vision Bibliography a full listing of computer vision papers by title, keyword, and author.

Google (What would a resources list be without Google?)

Directions on how to put full screen video into PowerPoint (Copy of Microsoft Web site)

Microsoft Developers Network Keep this open when you are doing programming!

Microsoft Research

Intel OpenCV Library (Open Source Computer Vision Library - Very Useful!)

Python Scripting Language

Fast Light Tool Kit (A windowing tools, great for making GUIs)

Simple Wrapper Interface Generator (A tool for being able to call C/C++ functions from python and other scripting languages)

Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures (A NIST website)

Publications, Papers and Presentations:

BibTex Entries for my papers

Zhang, Cha; Rui, Yong; He, Li-wei; Wallick Michael. "Hybrid Speaker Tracking in An Automated Lecture Room." Multimedia and Expo (ICME'2005), June 2005.

Wallick, Michael N.; Heck, Rachel M.; Gleicher, Michael L. "Marker and Chalkboard Regions." Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques and Applications (Mirage 2005), INRIA Rocquencourt, France, March 2005

Wallick, Michael N.; Rui, Yong; He, Liwei. "A Portable Solution for Automatic Lecture Room Camera Management." International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME'2004), Taipei, Taiwan, June 2004.

Gleicher, Michael L.; Heck, Rachel M.; Wallick, Michael N. "A Framework for Virtual Videography." Smart Graphics 2002, New York, June 2002

Wallick, M. N.; "Using Advanced Computing Techniques to Implement a Distance Education System" This is my undergraduate thesis from UCF.

Wallick, M. N.; Lobo, N. d. V.; Shah, M. "Computer Vision Framework for Analyzing Projections from video of Lectures." Proceedings of the ISCA 9th International Conference for Intelligent Systems, Louisville, KY June 2000.

Wallick, M. N.; Lobo, N. d. V.; Shah, M. "Computer Vision Framework for Analyzing Computer and Overhead Projections from Within Video." International Journal of Computers and Their Applications; Volume 8, no. 2; June 2001.

Wallick, M. N.; Lobo, N. d. V.; Shah, M. "A System for Placing Videotaped and Digital Lectures Online" IEEE 2001 International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video & Speech Processing (ISIMP). Hong Kong, May 2001

Just for Fun

Michael.ttf - A font based on my handwriting... and why not? Install it on your computer (c:\windows\fonts\) and you can view my in "Michael" font.

A Comparative Study of Friends and Buddies - Proving beyond a doubt that I will do nothing to avoid actual work and sleep, I present this "paper" comparing people who are "Friends" with people who are "Buddies." Added 10 BackRub 06

Google Calender - A Calendar based on Google, and of course, here is the FAQs about the Calendar

Here are several pictures of my cats Pascal and Gauss, I guess you can say that they are "Mathmakittens." Pascal is the cute one with a white nose, and Gauss is the cute one with a grey nose. Don't worry, we can't tell them apart either. They are both sisters (born May 1, 2002) and we couldn't stand to separate them, so we brought both of them home with us. They were adopted from Angel's Wish which is a Wisconsin rescue shelter that does not euthanize any of their animals.

Over the summer (2003) I spent time at Microsoft, and took lots of pictures and became very interested in Digital Photography. Digital pictures are essentially free to produce (just pay for the camera and space), so here are a lot of unfiltered pictures. Eventually I may get around to sorting out the nicer ones!

Here are some popular songs re-written to a CS rhythm. I wrote all these, some with the help of my *former* roommate (Mike Durso). As I/we come up with more good ones, I will post them here. There is a lot of words of wisdom hidden in this sillyness

Everybody's Free to Wear (study) Comp. Sci.
Living in the Lab
What if G-d Was a Computer Scientist
Recursive Star
All Napster Really Wants

This page is owned and maintained by Michael Wallick
Page Created: 8 Aug. 2001 (2 Blogger 02 AG)
Last Major Update: 4 March 2004 (29 Brin 05 AG)
Last Minor Changes: (10 BackRub 06 AG)