Computer Sciences Dept.


Ramakrishna Varadarajan

Postdoctoral Research Associate

4378, Department of Computer Sciences,

1210 West Dayton Street,

University of Wisconsin-Madison,

WI 53706-1685.

Office tel: 608-890-0015.

Email: ramkris(at)cs.wisc.edu

Picture of Ramakrishna Varadarajan


Awards, Honors and Fellowships

Dissertation Year Fellowship, Florida International University (FIU), 2008-2009.

Presidential Fellowship, School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS), FIU, 2008-2009.

Outstanding Graduate Research Award, School of Computing and Information Sciences, FIU, 2007.

Excellence Award, School of Computing and Information Sciences, FIU, 2006-2007.

Student & New Researcher Travel Support, SIGIR 2006.

Graduate Committee Travel award for IEEE ICDE 2008, SCIS, FIU.

Graduate Committee Travel award for ACM CIKM 2006, SCIS, FIU.

Travel award for IEEE ICDE 2008, Graduate Student Association-FIU.

Travel award for SIGIR 2006, Graduate Student Association-FIU.

University Gold Medal and Shield from University of Madras, Chennai, India.


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