Swapnil Haria

I recently graduated with a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Mark Hill and Mike Swift. My research focused on rethinking hardware and software for vast and persistent memory devices like Intel Optane. I worked on improving programming models, operating system interfaces and processor architectures. I have been awarded the 2018 Landweber NCR Graduate Fellowship in Distributed Systems for my work. I completed my undergraduate degree from BITS, Pilani, where I was awarded the University Gold Medal for exceptional performance.

Recent Happenings



Spring 2016 (Expand your Horizons) Fall 2016 (Back to Basics) Spring 2015 (Power through) Fall 2015 (Hit the Ground Running)



I am usually found in room 6366 of the CS building.
email: swapnilh at cs.wisc.edu
skype: swapnil.haria

Mailing Address

Swapnil Haria
Computer Sciences,
1210 W. Dayton St.
Madison, WI 53706