Computer Sciences Dept.

CS 367: Introduction to Data Structures

Spring 2005
Instructor: Prof. Mary Vernon

Tues. & Thurs. 1:00-2:15pm, 1221 CS

Office Hours and Contact Information

Prof. Mary Vernon

Office:         4375 CS
Phone:          262-7893
Email:          vernon@cs
Office hours:   2:45-3:45pm Tuesdays, and by appointment

TA: Aparna Das (A-D)

Office:        5364A CS
Phone:         262-5105
Email:         adas@cs
Office hours:  Fri 12:30p-2:30

TA: Kevin Roundy

Office:        5385 CS
Phone:         262-1079
Email:         roundy@cs
Office hours:  Mon. 11:30a-1:00p
	       Wed. 10:30a-noon

CS 367 Participants:

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