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Re: (Help) Question of X11R5

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Cha`o ba'c Tri' va` ca'c ba'c,
To^i co' mo^.t danh sa'ch ca'c site co' X11R6. Ba'c thi` ca^`n R5, nhu+ng to^i
nghi~ o+? ca'c site na`y cu~ng co' R5. To^i kho^ng thu+? du+o+.c vi` reseau
dang ddo'ng.
Mong liste na`y bo^? i'ch cho ba'c.

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Content-Description: X11.README

Here is a list of anonymous FTP sites that hold the X11R6.1 sources; we don't
have a list of who mirrors the non-distribution contributed software
(This file was originally http://www.x.org/consortium/GettingX11R6.1.html)

North America anonymous FTP:
Location                Address                 Directory
--------                -------                 ---------
Cambridge, MA           ftp.crl.research.digital.com/pub/X11/R6.1
Eastern USA             []

Cambridge, MA           ftp.x.org               /pub/R6.1
Eastern USA             []

New York City           ftp.cs.columbia.edu     /archives/X11R6.1
Eastern USA             [multi-homed]

North Carolina          ftp.duke.edu            /pub/X11/R6.1
Eastern USA             []

Washington, DC          ftp.digex.net           /pub/X
Eastern USA             []

Minneapolis, MN         ftp.cs.umn.edu          /packages/X11/R6.1
Central USA             []

West Lafayette, IN      ftp.cs.purdue.edu       /pub/X11/R6.1
Central USA             []

Palo Alto, California   ftp.digital.com         /pub/X11/R6.1
Western USA             []

Albuquerque, NM         ftp.khoros.unm.edu      /pub/dist/X/X11R6.1
Southwest USA           []

British Columbia        ftp.cs.ubc.ca           /mirror1/R6.1
Canada                  []

Europe anonymous FTP:
Location                Address                 Directory
--------                -------                 ---------
Czech Republic          ftp.eunet.cz            /pub/X11/R6.1

England                 sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk    /packages/X11R6.1

Europe                  ftp.eu.net              /X11/R6.1

Finland                 ftp.eunet.fi            /pub/X11/R6.1

Finland                 ftp.funet.fi            /pub/X11/R6.1

France                  ftp.univ-lille1.fr      /pub/X/R6.1

Germany                 ftp.gwdg.de             /pub/x11/x.org

Germany                 ftp.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de /pub/X11/R6.1

Germany                 ftp.uni-paderborn.de    /pub/X11/R6.1
                        [] and []

Greece                  ftp.ntua.gr             /pub/X11/R6.1

Iceland                 ftp.isnet.is            /pub/X11/R6.1

Ireland                 ftp.ieunet.ie           /pub/X11R6.1

Norway                  ftp.eunet.no            /pub/X11/R6.1

Norway                  ftp.unit.no             /pub/X11/R6.1

Poland                  sunsite.icm.edu.pl      /pub/X11/R6.1

Portugal                ftp.puug.pt             /pub/X11/R6.1

Spain                   asterix.fi.upm.es       /pub/X11/R6.1

Sweden                  ftp.sunet.se            /pub/X11/R6.1

Switzerland             ftp.switch.ch *         /mirror/X11/R6.1
                        *only available for Swiss organizations with a SWITCH
                        service contract and foreign education & research

United Kingdom          ftp.mcc.ac.uk           /pub/misc-unix/X11R6.1

East Asia anonymous FTP:
Location                Address                 Directory
--------                -------                 ---------
Hong Kong               ftp.cs.cuhk.edu.hk      /pub/X11R6.1

Japan                   sunsite.sut.ac.jp       /pub/archives/X11/R6.1

Africa anonymous FTP:
Location                Address                 Directory
--------                -------                 ---------
South Africa            ftp.is.co.za            /x/pub/R6.1

Middle East anonymous FTP:
Location                Address                 Directory
--------                -------                 ---------
Israel                  ftp.huji.ac.il          /mirror/X11/R6.1