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[FROM ADMIN] Monthly notes: May 1997

Dear friends:

Starting this month, the admins will send out this note regularly. Our aim
is to help our new members as well as out veterans get better oriented in
both technical aspects and contents of this forum. The note will be similar
in content from month to month with new items marked by the asterics (*). 


==== Monthly note May 1997 =====

      Topics covered here are:

 1.  Purpose of the list
 2.  Statistics
 3.  On-going project by VNSA members
 4.  VNSA emails and webpage
 5.  Desirable topics on VNSA-L
 6.  Undesirable topics on VNSA-L
 7.  Rules for posting messages to VNSA-L
 8.  List etiquette
 9.  Useful listserver commands

1. Purpose of the list

VNSA-L is designed to facilitate communication between students,
researchers, scholars and other professionals from Vietnam who are currently
studying and/or working abroad (VSPA). VNSA-L is also open to other people
interested in exchanging information with VSPA. 

2. Statistics

+ Number of subscribers: 271 of which
    from North America: 142
    from Europe: 91
    from Asia: 46
    From Australia: 26
+ Total messages in April: 1750
+ Average messages per day: 60

3. On-going projects involving VNSA members

+ VNSA Study Abroad Frequently Asked Questions
+ English-VNmese dictionary
+ VN domestic news service
+ Finding internship opportunities in the US for Vietnamese citizens
+ Establishing scholarship fund for elementary and high school students 
  in Vietnam
+ Finding study opportunities in the US for Vietnamese citizens
+ Expanding VNSA services, creating special-purpose mailing lists
  for VSPA

Details on these projects and other VNSA activities can be obtained at VNSA
web page or from the list admin. 

4. VNSA emails and web page

If you would like to contact the list admin, send mail to: 


VNSA-L Frequently asked questions, archive of past VNSA postings and other
VSPA related materials and links are kept at our experimental web page: 


5. Posting rules

+ Send your posting to VNSA-L@CSD,UWM.EDU. Your mail will be distributed to 
  all current subscribers of the list. Depending on the server workload, it 
  may take up to a few hours for this to happen. 
+ Make sure that your posting contain your name and valid email address. 
  Anonymous postings are not allowed on VNSA-L. The admin will be acting 
  decisively upon these violations.
+ Vietnamese and English are the ONLY languages allowed in the list. 
+ There is a quota of four postings per person over a 24-hour period. 
  However if you have more materials that you think of interest to VNSA 
  forumers go ahead and post them. 

6. List ettiqute/nettiquete

+ Do not send mail intended for only one or several recipients (i.e.,
  personal email) to the list. Keep the size of your message as small as
  possible to save the bandwidth. When quoting please keep only relevant
  lines from the original posting. Avoid sending one line reply to the 
+ To help our/your readers, if possible please place (1) the category code
  for your subject and (2) a subject title on the subject line of your

     Some suggested codes for subject categories:
     [HELP] = Asking for help on a topics
     [POL] = Politics
     [ECON] = Economics
     [PSYCH]= psychology
     [SOC] = Sociology
     [LIT] = literature
     [POET] = poetry
     [MUSIC]= Music
     [ENG] = Engineering
     [COMP] = Computer
     [EDU] = Education
     [FIN] = Finance
     [NEWS] = News

6. Desirable topics on VNSA-L

Example of subjects that would be of interest to list subscribers might be:

  VSPA such as survival tips for work and study, housing, students' life
  abroad, traveling, conferences, books, academic information sources,
+ Vietnam related news and commentary. VN Domestic news and newspapers are 
  most welcome.
+ Entertaining materials: literature, music, movies, etc. 
+ Job announcements.

8. Undesirable topics on VNSA-L

The list objectives and the FAQ should give the good idea what are the
material good for posting to VNSA-L. Please be aware of the fact that in the
context of VN contemporary history, some seemingly innocent topics may cause
overheated debate and/or more other troubles for the admins and VNSA
members. The admin will do the best to keep the forum a pleasant place for
gathering of VSPA and friends. 

When you are not sure if a topic is good for VNSA-L, you are encouraged to
send it to the admin. We will forward it to the list if we find the content
is OK to post. 

Example of unacceptable topics and behaviors on vnsa-l are:

+ personal attacks, obscene languages, or flames.
+ discussions concerning political issues that, in the Vietnam
  context, are certain to generate a lot of flames. Example of such
  political issues are "Does Vietnam really have freedom of speech?",
  "Shouldn't Vietnam allow multiparty system?", etc - in short, all
  discussions aiming at attacking or defending the current political
  situation in Vietnam. NO DISCUSSION OF SUCH POLITICAL NATURE will be
+ regular postings of propaganda and advertising materials, either
  from individuals or organizations. The admins reserve the rights to
  decide what is considered "objective" news and what is considered
  propaganda materials.
+ regular postings of in-depth technical questions.
+ regular postings of potentially sensitive materials that the admins
  deem to be of the offensive nature.

9. Useful listserver commands

You have to be a member of VNSA-L in order to post message to the list. To
subscribe to VNSA-L, send an email message to list server at address
LISTSERV@CSD.UWM.EDU with the following listserver command in the message

    SUBSCRIBE VNSA-L _Enter_Your_Name_Here_

Other useful commands that can be sent to listserver are

    Command                            Effect

    UNSUBSCRIBE VNSA-L              -> Unsubscribe yourself from vnsa-l.
    SET VNSA-L MAIL DIGEST          -> Set digest mode. You will receive 
                                       daily digests of all VNSA mail
                                       instead of separate ones.
    SET VNSA-L MAIL ACK             -> Set to mail mode. 
    SET VNSA-L MAIL POSTPONE        -> Temporarily not receiving mail from vnsa
    HELP                            -> More help on listserver commands.

Mutilple commands can be sent in one message. It is important that
listserver commands to be sent to LISTSERV@CSD.UWM.EDU from the email
account that you used to subscribe to vnsa-l. Dont send listserver commands
and message intended to the admins to VNSA-L@CSD.UWM.EDU.