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RE: Anh BuuLong's opinion (was: Children of nobody)

>From: Wayne <MNPHUNG@ntu.edu.sg>

>Hi DQ,
>I know of some VNese kids who need medical help in VN. If I publictly
>indentify them and the cost on this forum, would we, the vnsa group,
>chip in to help? I will volunteer for US$200 (two hundreds) first....
>Any seconder??? Or should we just "chit chatting...?"

 Hi Wayne et. al:
 I think this is my last "debate" about this issue; if there is nothing than 
back and fort discussion of "do or don't do".
 I would like to spend my time for higher priority issue first. 
 Please read my previous post about the process to support little Thuy Linh. 
I answer your post as below:
 The papers are required to start the search for the doctor and hospital for the 
treatment in US, the patient have to have:
 1 . The reccord of desease from a known hospital (doctor in US can trust the 
papers) and the status of disease. If the patient cannot curable, I think there 
is no voluntee doctor for this case .

 2. A letter from a director of the hospital send to us ask for help because the 
disease is not currable in Viet Nam. 

 After we received these papers we will contact the doctor in VN to ask about 
the status of patient and work with them for the solution.(Who will do back and 
fort communication between VN and US?) We looking for the voluntee doctor, 
voluntee hospital and an organisation to grant the money for the other hospital 
fee(anything the hospital cannot affort). The family have to have the access to 
contact us quickly, and have capacity to transport the patient to the hospital 
by their own fee and other fee. 
 As I said in previous my post, little girl Thuy Linh is lucky that everything 
goes well timely, the doctors and hospital response quickly to our request. I 
don't know whether it can happen other time? Only God Know!!!!! and the Luck of 
patient. Ta co' ca^u:"phu'c chu? lo^.c tha^`y" . I only do my best! Wayne, I'm 
not a God .
 God save you!
 PS: Wayne, frankly, I don't know what to do with your 200$US if you only send 
me an e-mail and this money. 
I have no money(cash) support for little Thuy Linh's case.
If the patient have the same process conveniences and good luck as little Thuy 
Linh, I think other example can happen again. That all folk! DQ

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