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Re: (Sci. HIV) Luc Montagnier moving to New York

 Hi Ba'c Tuan:
 Ba'c kho^ng nghe: "Tho*`i gian la` lie^`u tho^'c la~ng que^n sao" ?
 Du` sao thi` tie^`n nghie^n cu*'u o*? My~ cu~ng phong phu' ho*n o*? 
Pha'p ne^n o^ng Luc cu~ng pha?i nguo^i gia^.n chu*' ! 
Va` New York va` MD cu~ng kha' ga^`n nhau dde^? hai o^ng a^'y co' the^? 
la'i xe qua coi lab. cu?a nhau xem co' gi` mo*'i kho^ng ddem ve^` lab 
mi`nh la`m chu*' (j/k)

>Chi. DQ,
>        U?a, O^ng na`y co' tho+`i gian cu+. lo^.n vo+'i o^ng My~ (te^n 
>que^n ro^`i, Dr Galo ?) ve^` vie^.c ai ti`m ra HIV tru+o+'c ma`. To^i 
>nho+' lu'c ddo' o^?ng no'i la` My~ "pirate" discovery cu?a o^?ng va` 
>kho^ng the`m la`m vie^.c vo+'i My~ nu+~a. A^'y the^' ma` ba^y gio+` 
>sang My~ ma` la`m boss nu+~a :)) - Time has changed!
>        Tua^'n
>> Prof. Luc Montagnier Moving to New York's Queens College
>> By John Sterling-Genetic Engineering News- May,15, 97
>> Professor Luc Montagnier, a co-discoverer of HIV, is moving to the US 
>>to lead a new AIDS research Institute at the City University of New 
>>York's (CUNY) Queens Colledge.
>> Prof. Montagnier, who will continue to run a laboratory at the 
>>Institute and serve as president of the Paris-base World Foundation 
>>AIDS Research and Prevention, will begin his new job in interim space 
>>the colledge in October. .........

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