Understanding Ideation Design Prototyping Evaluation Final Solution

Tony 01
Leia 02
Krusty 03

Design: Leia

The Scenario

Leia often works out late at night at the gym across campus. She also prefers to walk because she finds buses to be unreliable and never knows when they will arrive or leave at various stops. One night, she exited the gym after working out and wonders whether or not it is safe to walk through a path at that time during the night. She wasn't completely sure, but she remembered that it was at least a lighted path on her way home. She ended up walking home on that path. Leia would've felt safer if she had a map-based system on her phone that tracked her current location to show her the options she had at that time to get home safely, whether it be by walking, bus, or cab.

The Storyboard

The Implementation

We decided not to design this application.

Spring 2010 . CS 638 - Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction . University of Wisconsin - Madison