User input
Due to time constraints, we were only able to test the revision 2 prototype on one user. Nevertheless, he provided some good feedback for even our polished prototype. Our user mentioned, almost in passing, that he would like to see a list of POIs he's been at instead of a map sometimes. Also, this user mentioned that it didn't really look like an actual program yet. It still looked like a prototype. The user said that he probably would use such a program if it did exist.
Our thoughts
The idea of a list, as simple as it seems, hadn't really dawned on us. We did implement this in our final deliverable. This would be very useful, particularly in situations where you traveled a lot during a day but only stopped at a few places (i.e. a road trip). We also decided to swith the layout of the POI screen to put the textual information to the left of the picture. This allowed for cleaner alignment of the text. Also, the users' complaints about the asthetics of the interface were not in vain. We added some color and improved the buttons of our final deliverable as well. Overall, we are pretty happy with our final product!