XML for Java 2.0.0

Interface ContentModel

public abstract interface ContentModel

ContentModel is an interface that can be used by your own custom validators to plug in various types of content models. It is used internally as well for the same purposes. Since there are a number of optimizations that can be used for simple or special content models, this class provides the interface via which all of the various content model types are managed. So the validation handler class has a list of things derived from this class. It finds the one for the desired element, then asks it to validate the element contents. The validation interface from the scanner to the validation handle provides a child count and an array of element name indices into the string pool. So it is assumed that those same parameters will be passed to the content model to be validated. Therefore the validateContent() method accepts this standard view of the elements to be validated.

Revision: 61 1.8 src/com/ibm/xml/framework/ContentModel.java, parser, xml4j2, xml4j2_0_0
See Also:

Method Summary
 int validateContent(int childCount, int[] children)
          These are the methods which all content model's must implement.
 int whatCanGoHere(boolean fullyValid, InsertableElementsInfo info)

Method Detail


public int validateContent(int childCount,
                           int[] children)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
These are the methods which all content model's must implement. They allow the validators which use them to get information that only the content model objects know.


public int whatCanGoHere(boolean fullyValid,
                         InsertableElementsInfo info)
                  throws java.lang.Exception

XML for Java 2.0.0