XML for Java 2.0.0

Package com.ibm.xml.framework

Interface Summary
Catalog Interface for implementing basic catalog support in the parser.
ContentModel ContentModel is an interface that can be used by your own custom validators to plug in various types of content models.
XMLEntityHandler This is the interface used for entity events.
XMLErrorHandler This is the interface used to report errors.
XMLScanner This is the interface to the scanner.
XMLValidationHandler This class defines the interface between the scanner and a validator.

Class Summary
AttDef Parameter object for the (@link ElementDeclPool#addAttDef) method.
Attr Parameter object for the AttrPool.addAttr() method.
ContentSpecNode Parameter object for the ElementDeclPool.getContentSpecNode() method
ElementDecl Parameter object for the ElementDeclPool.addElementDecl() method
EntityDecl Parameter object for the EntityPool.addEntityDecl() method
InsertableElementsInfo --------------------------------------------------------------------------- InsertableElementsInfo is a simple 'data packet' class that is used to get information into and out of the validator APIs that allow you to ask what kind of elements can be inserted into a particular place in an element's content model.
NotationDecl Parameter object for the EntityPool.addNotationDecl() method
ParserState This class is used to determine which implementation objects are to be used during a single use of the parser.
ScanContentState Parameter object for the XMLReader#scanContent method.
Version This class defines the version number of the parser.
XMLParser This is the base class of all parsers.
XMLReader This is the class used by the scanner to process the XML data.

XML for Java 2.0.0