XML for Java 2.0.0

Interface XMLErrorHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public abstract interface XMLErrorHandler

This is the interface used to report errors. All errors are reported using an error code and some optional string index parameters. See the ErrorCode class for details on the set of errors defined.

Revision: 49 1.5 src/com/ibm/xml/framework/XMLErrorHandler.java, parser, xml4j2, xml4j2_0_0
See Also:
XMLParser, ErrorCode

Method Summary
 void error(int errorCode)
          Report an error.
 void error1(int errorCode, int stringIndex1)
          Report an error with one parameter string.
 void error2(int errorCode, int stringIndex1, int stringIndex2)
          Report an error with two parameter strings.
 void error3(int errorCode, int stringIndex1, int stringIndex2, int stringIndex3)
          Report an error with three parameter strings.
 void error4(int errorCode, int stringIndex1, int stringIndex2, int stringIndex3, int stringIndex4)
          Report an error with four parameter strings.

Method Detail


public void error(int errorCode)
           throws java.lang.Exception
Report an error.
errorCode - Which error occurred.


public void error1(int errorCode,
                   int stringIndex1)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Report an error with one parameter string.
errorCode - Which error occurred.
stringIndex1 - Additional information about the specific instance of this error.


public void error2(int errorCode,
                   int stringIndex1,
                   int stringIndex2)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Report an error with two parameter strings.
errorCode - Which error occurred.
stringIndex1 - Additional information about the specific instance of this error.
stringIndex2 - Additional information about the specific instance of this error.


public void error3(int errorCode,
                   int stringIndex1,
                   int stringIndex2,
                   int stringIndex3)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Report an error with three parameter strings.
errorCode - Which error occurred.
stringIndex1 - Additional information about the specific instance of this error.
stringIndex2 - Additional information about the specific instance of this error.
stringIndex3 - Additional information about the specific instance of this error.


public void error4(int errorCode,
                   int stringIndex1,
                   int stringIndex2,
                   int stringIndex3,
                   int stringIndex4)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Report an error with four parameter strings.
errorCode - Which error occurred.
stringIndex1 - Additional information about the specific instance of this error.
stringIndex2 - Additional information about the specific instance of this error.
stringIndex3 - Additional information about the specific instance of this error.
stringIndex4 - Additional information about the specific instance of this error.

XML for Java 2.0.0